Eligibility and training for DAMEs and DAOs

Eligibility requirements apply to designated aviation medical examiners (DAMEs) and designated aviation ophthalmologists (DAOs).

To be eligible to apply, you must have:

  • a post-graduate qualification in aviation medicine (AvMed)
  • training acceptable to CASA in AvMed
  • demonstrated competence in AvMed [CASR 67.045].

Some applicants must also attend a one-day regulatory training course, further detailed below.

All DAME applicants must complete aviation medicine CPD to maintain their designation.

Acceptable AvMed qualifications

Acceptable AvMed qualifications for full designation as a DAME or DAO are:

DAOs must also have fellowship of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists (FRANZCO), or equivalent.

CASA Regulatory Aviation Medicine course

Some medical practitioners must also complete the CASA Regulatory Aviation Medicine training course; CASA will conduct this course when required. Medical practitioners will need to contact us for more information.

This one-day course is required for:

  • medical practitioners with AvMed qualifications from outside Australia and New Zealand
  • ophthalmologists who have not undertaken AvMed training
  • other applicants as determined by the PMO.

The PMO determines who must complete this course, and who can register. Contact us for more information.

Continuing professional development (CPD)

You must complete continuing professional development (CPD) to maintain and renew your DAME or DAO certification.

You must also provide evidence of your CPD when applying to renew your designation. Otherwise, your designation may not be renewed.

DAOs must provide a copy of their RANZCO certificate of CPD completion upon renewal of their designation.

DAMEs must provide evidence of attendance to aviation medicine conferences/seminars as detailed below. Designation re-appointment periods vary. It depends on the conferences/seminars you complete in the 3 years prior to your re-appointment application.

CPD via courses and programs

Successful completion of the following courses can result in a one-year designation period:

  • Medical Review Officer (MRO) course
  • Rural Doctors Association of Queensland (RDAQ) course
  • Royal Flying Doctors Service (RFDS) – STAR Program.

CPD via conference and event attendance

One attendance at a state-based conference can result in 2-year designation period. For example, attendance at an AMSVIC or an ASAM regional event.

Attendance at 2 or more state-based education sessions within a 2-year period can result in a 4-year designation.

One attendance at one of the following organisation's events can also result in a 4-year designation:

  • Australasian Society of Aerospace Medicine (ASAM) annual conference
  • International Academy of Aviation and Space Medicine (IAASM) conference
  • Aerospace Medical Association (AsMA) conference.

CASA eLearning for CPD

You can complete CASA eLearning course for your CPD. This provides a one-year designation. You can only do this once.

The course includes the eLearning units:

  • CASA update
  • Class 2 medical certification.

Access the AviationWorx eLearning system through online services.

Other CPD options

The PMO may consider other CPD options. This includes CPD courses through the Australasian Faculty of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (AFOEM), and other CPD providers.

The designation period for other CPD courses is at the PMOs discretion.

Last updated:
13 Jan 2023
Online version available at: https://www.casa.gov.au//index.php/licences-and-certificates/medical-professionals/eligibility-and-training-dames-and-daos
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