Pilot old exam syllabuses

Examples of old exam syllabuses for reference when studying and during pilot training.

Showing 1 - 10 of 10 results

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Air transport pilot (aeroplane) licence aeronautical knowledge syllabus


The syllabus sets out the aeronautical knowledge required for the issue of an ATPL (Aeroplane). This syllabus should not be used in order to study for the current version of an exam. If you are preparing for a current exam, refer to CASR Part 61 MOS, Schedule 3.

Exam syllabus Version: 1.1

Air transport pilot (helicopter) licence aeronautical knowledge syllabus


This syllabus sets out the aeronautical knowledge required for the issue of an ATPL (Helicopter). This syllabus should not be used in order to study for the current version of an exam. If you are preparing for a current exam, refer to CASR Part 61 MOS, Schedule 3.

Exam syllabus Version: 3

Day VFR (aeroplanes) syllabus


This flying training syllabus specifies the sequences and standards that must be met by applicants for aeroplane pilot licences. This syllabus should not be used in order to study for the current version of an exam. If you are preparing for a current exam, refer to CASR Part 61 MOS, Schedule 3.

Exam syllabus Version: 4.2

Day VFR (helicopters) syllabus


This flying training syllabus specifies the sequences and standards that must be met by applicants for helicopter pilot licences. This syllabus should not be used in order to study for the current version of an exam. If you are preparing for a current exam, refer to CASR Part 61 MOS, Schedule 3.

Exam syllabus Version: 3.1

Flight instructor rating (aeroplane) syllabus


The flight instructor rating (aeroplane) syllabus compilation was prepared on 22 April 2008 taking into account amendments up to Civil Aviation Order 40.1.7 Amendment Order (No. 1) 2008.

Exam syllabus

Instrument rating (aeroplane and helicopter) syllabus


The instrument rating (aeroplane and helicopter) syllabus compilation was prepared on 2 February 2009 taking into account amendments up to Civil Aviation Order 40.2.1 Amendment Order (No. 1) 2008.

Exam syllabus

RPAS Beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) outside of controlled airspace (OCTA) - Aeronautical Knowledge Standards


The RPAS beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) outside of controlled airspace (OCTA) examination - Aeronautical Knowledge Standards will assist training organisations to develop training material related to the RPAS BVLOS OCTA - Aeronautical Knowledge Standards exam.

Exam syllabus Version: 1.0

Training and examination workbook for day VFR (aeroplanes) syllabus


The workbook is only for use in training to the Day VFR aeroplanes aeronautical knowledge syllabus of training and the associated CASA PPL and CPL examinations, and not to be used for any other purpose. This syllabus should not be used in order to study for the current version of an exam. If you are preparing for a current exam, refer to CASR Part 61 MOS, Schedule 3.

Exam syllabus Version: 3
Online version available at: https://www.casa.gov.au//search-centre/pilot-old-exam-syllabuses
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