Information about Annual Reports Find a list of our Annual Reports that provide a detailed account of CASA’s performance. Corporate Plans Read our Corporate Plans that outline the purposes of CASA and strategies to achieve our objectives. CASA File List We publish an indexed list of all relevant files we have created every 6 months. CASA Statement of Intent 2023-2025 Read the CASA Board’s Statement of Intent 2023-2025 in response to Statement of Expectations. Directives, instructions and policy notices Directives, instructions and policy notices Emerging technologies program Read our program that identifies future regulatory challenges and issues and how we’re preparing for them. GA Workplan Our General Aviation Workplan provides you with advice on regulatory changes affecting the wider aviation industry. Portfolio budget statements Learn about how our funds are allocated to government outcomes. Reconciliation Action Plan Our vision to build relationships and provide opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees. Regulator performance framework Read our framework that maps out expectations of our performance and outcomes based on key performance indicators. Stakeholder satisfaction surveys View the latest independent research that analyses attitudes towards CASA and aviation safety regulation. The RPAS and AAM Strategic Regulatory Roadmap Read about Australia’s future approach to aviation safety regulation and oversight for RPAS and AAM. Show more Show more Show less Also see CASA Briefing Read our monthly newsletter on key safety regulatory issues. Education and training Learn about our aviation safety education and training options and opportunities. Flight Safety Australia Subscribe to our flagship aviation safety magazine available online and in print format. Industry guides and publications Read about pilot guides and maps, including our airport manoeuvring area maps. Our systems We have a range of systems to help you interact with us. Regulatory wrap-up Read our summary of all regulatory updates published over the past month Show more Show more Show less