Applying Appendices 2 to 6 of fatigue management rules

The steps required to develop fatigue management policies and procedures under Appendices 2 to 6.

Learn more about fatigue management rules on our Working to an appendix to the fatigue rules page.

How to develop fatigue management policies and procedures under Appendices 2 to 6

  1. Determine which appendix / appendices works for you

    Determine which appendices are applicable to your operation based on the type of operations you have authorisation to conduct.

    Your operations manual needs to document the prescriptive limits applicable to all pilots. You must make sure these limits take into account the results of the fatigue hazard identification process. You must not also exceed those contained in the relevant appendix or appendices that apply to your operations.

    Further guidance is available in Appendix A of CAAP 48-01 fatigue management for flight crew members.

  2. Review and amend

    Ensure any flight and duty periods, policies or procedures do not contravene the appendix or appendices that apply to your operations.

    Adapt limitations by considering identified hazards to your operations.

    Further guidance is available in Appendix C of CAAP 48-01; you can use it to develop content for an operations manual.

    CASA has published sample operations manual fatigue supplements for each appendix that operators can use.

  3. Multiple appendices

    Operating under multiple appendices means either or both of the following:

    • combining multiple appendices within a single flight duty period
    • switching from one appendix to another on consecutive flight duty periods.

    If you plan to operate under multiple appendices you will need to develop procedures to manage pilots transitioning between appendices.

    Further guidance is available in Appendix B of CAAP 48-01 fatigue management for flight crew members.

  4. Enhanced fatigue management obligations

    Operations under Appendices 2 to 6 include enhanced fatigue management obligations.

    This includes developing:

    • your fatigue hazard identification and mitigation procedures
    • your procedures for establishing flight and duty time limitations
    • your procedures which provide for continuous monitoring and evaluation, with a view to improving limitations, policies and practices.

    Further guidance is available in:

    • Section 5 of CAAP 48-01 – an overview of the enhanced fatigue management obligations under Appendices 2 to 6.
    • Appendix F of CAAP 48-01 – an approach to hazard identification with a list of examples of fatigue hazards.
  5. Fatigue training

    You can integrate fatigue training with other training conducted by an operator. For example, human factors/non-technical skills training. To integrate training, you must:

    • review training that is already taking place and if needed develop an initial and recurrent fatigue training and assessment program. Consider the nature of the operations undertaken, the operational context and environment, and the limits that you have specified.
    • update the descriptions and references to your training resources and approach within your operations manual/suite of manuals.

    Further guidance is available in:

  6. Operator obligations

    You now need to consider individual variability, operational environment and workload. This includes:

    • establishing processes for determination of home base. You must set out processes for home base determinations in the operations manual.

    Please note, an operator must determine and notify each of its pilots of their home base. This is unless the pilot only conducts operations under Appendix 5 or 5A of CAO 48.1.

    • Establishing processes for selection and location of resting/sleeping facilities.
    • Establishing processes for managing the effects of time zone changes and acclimatisation (if relevant to your operation). Appendix D of CAAP 48-01 provides various examples for determining a pilot's state of acclimatisation for the purposes of CAO 48.1.
    • Establishing processes for the management and opportunities of meals.
    • Establishing processes and reporting procedures for day of operations disruptions. For example, fitness for duty, reassignment, delays and extensions.
    • Establishing your fatigue reporting system. Consider forms, confidentiality of information, voluntary reporting protections. Include regular analysis of the reports and provide feedback to crew members about decisions taken and lessons learned.

    Further guidance is available in Section 4 of CAAP 48-01.

  7. Submission to us

    For existing Air Operator's Certificate (AOC) holders

    Make sure your operations manual addresses the requirements under each Appendix. You can then submit your operations manual to us.

    For new Air Operator's Certificate (AOC) holders

    If you are also applying for an AOC or AOC variation, ensure your AOC application addresses the requirements of the Appendices you have determined under Step 1. Submit it with your AOC application documents including the worksheet and fill out the sections. These are filtered to the appendices to be operated to.


    This will serve as evidence of compliance with CAO 48.1 and applicable appendices provisions.

Withdrawal of application

You can withdraw your application in writing at any time. If you withdraw after we have reviewed your application, we will charge you for only the time we have already spent on your assessment.

We will send you an invoice or refund as applicable.

Process for changing appendices

If you wish to change from or add an appendix to your operation, you need to submit an operations manual revision to us.

You should submit your operations manual amendments and include a summary of the changes to the manual.

If your fatigue management procedures form part of a larger operations manual document, submit the complete manual.

Last updated:
11 Jul 2023
Online version available at:
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