Applying variation to Appendices 2 to 6 of fatigue management rules

A minor variation allows an operator to deviate from the prescriptive rules in a narrow range of circumstances. In particular, where the prescriptive schedules (Appendices 1-6) are too restrictive but not enough to develop a fully flexible approach (Appendix 7).

Applying for a minor variation

It is advisable to speak with us before you start to develop a minor variation application.

To support your minor variation application you must develop, at a minimum:

  • documentation identifying which appendix provision you are operating within and seeking non-compliance against, including the proposed changes and the operations to which the non-compliance relates
  • risk assessment and safety case
  • hazard identification process.
  1. Review the minor variation policy

    Review the minor variation policy and ensure that your proposed application meets the limitations in the policy.

    If you wish to proceed with a minor variation application, contact us to arrange a pre-application meeting.

  2. Your pre-application meeting

    The pre-application meeting is a voluntary meeting at no cost. The purpose of this meeting is to help you understand if a minor variation is the right choice for your organisation.

    We will provide information about the process and requirements involved in obtaining a minor variation.

  3. Complete and submit your formal application

    Complete the Fatigue – Limited or Minor Non-Compliance (Minor Variation) application form.

    Read the guidelines on the form for assistance.

    Send your completed and signed application form and documents:

    • email (details in the form)
    • mail: GPO Box 2005, Canberra ACT 2601

    If submitted online, we will send you an email confirming receipt of your application.

  4. Reviewing your application

    We will review your application to ensure that you have answered the relevant questions and provided all the required documents.

    If your application is incomplete, we will contact you.

    We will also provide you with a cost estimate of your application fee.

  5. Payment of costs and submission of required supporting documents

    The application fee is based on an hourly rate. We will calculate the number of hours required to assess your application and provide an estimate. We will also tell you if we need any further supporting documents.

    The estimate is valid for 30 days from the date we send the estimate. To proceed with your application, you need to:

    • pay the amount noted in the estimate letter
    • provide any further documents.

    We will not assess your application until we have received your payment and supporting documents.

  6. Detailed assessment

    We will carry out a detailed assessment of your application. We may contact you to request changes to limits, mitigations or approval conditions within your application.

  7. Decision outcome

    Once we have all the required information and have completed assessing your application, we'll give you a recommendation or approval.

  8. Issue approval

    If your application is successful, your certificate is sent to you by email and post. We'll reconcile our actual hours against our estimate and let you know if there's any adjustment.

    If we've spent less time on your application than initially estimated, we'll send you a refund for those hours along with your certificate.

    If you need to pay an additional fee, you must pay any outstanding amount before we send your approval documents.

Withdrawal of application

You can withdraw your application in writing at any time. If you withdraw after we have reviewed your application, we will charge you for only the time we have already spent on your assessment.

We will send you an invoice or refund as applicable.

Process for changing appendices

If you wish to change from or add an appendix to your operation, you need to submit an operations manual revision to us.

You should submit your operations manual amendments and include a summary of the changes to the manual.

If your fatigue management procedures form part of a larger operations manual document, submit the complete manual.

Last updated:
17 Mar 2022
Online version available at:
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