Flight operation regulations have changed
The flight operations rules changed on 2 December 2021. See all information about transitioning.
Read moreThe flight operations rules changed on 2 December 2021. See all information about transitioning.
Read moreNew basic operating rules for all pilots commenced on 2 December 2021.
Part 91 of the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations (CASR) – General operating and flight rules, sets out the general operating rules for all pilots and operators. It consolidates all of the general operating and flight rules for Australian aircraft.
The rules cover:
We have compiled information and resources about transitioning to the new regulations. Visit our Flight operations transition section to find out more.
Part 91 applies to all aviation operations except drones.
There are additional rules for pilots operating under an Air Operator's Certificate (AOC) or other certificate, or those conducting defined activities such as aerial work, aerial application and some recreational aviation activities. These rules are in other CASR Parts and may add to or turn off some Part 91 requirements – either completely or partially.
Legislative instruments apply to a broad range of people. These instruments include Manuals of Standards and exemptions to regulatory requirements.
Instruments related to this part will display in this space or you can view our list of legislative instruments.
13 legislative instruments available
Non-legislative instruments apply to a particular person. Some exemptions to regulatory requirements in aviation regulations or a Manual of Standards may be listed here.
Non-legislative instruments related to this part will display in this space or you can view our list of non-legislative instruments.
12 non-legislative instruments available
Advisory material provides advice and guidance to explain particular regulatory requirements of a CASR Part. Guidance material relating to this part will appear in this space or you can view all our guidance material.
30 guidance material available
Acceptable means of compliance and guidance material (AMC/GMs) for Part 91 for general operating and flight rules.
Advisory Circular AC 91-25 provides guidance on procedures and practices to ensure the safety of fuelling operations.
CAAP 181A-1 provides guidance on RVSM operations, including comprehensive information on gaining airworthiness and operational approvals. It is for Australian aircraft owners, operators and flight crew, enabling them to conduct operations safely.
Advisory circular AC 91-12 provides guidance on the conduct of practice autoland operations on CAT I runways, or on CAT II/III runways that are not subject to Air Traffic Control (ATC) protection of relevant instrument landing system (ILS) critical and sensitive areas.
The purpose of Advisory Circular AC 91-18 is to provide information on the use of child restraint systems by infants, children, and special categories of passengers.
Multi-Part Advisory Circular AC 91-19, AC 121-04, AC 133-10, AC 135-12 and AC 138-10 provides guidance regarding the requirements for safety briefing cards and passenger safety briefings, instructions and demonstrations for operations.
If you have an Australian registered aircraft and intend to operate overseas, the Performance-based navigation advice for National Aviation Authorities is available. It demonstrates you meet the Australian regulatory requirements in case of a ramp check by a foreign National Aviation Authority.
Advisory Circular AC 1-02 provides information to the aviation industry, detailing the requirements to have and maintain an exposition or operations manual to meet the regulatory requirements of CASR and the MOS.
Advisory Circular AC 91-28 provides information and guidance to operators and their crew members regarding CASR Subpart 91.525 to assist with establish procedures, crew coordination and communication regarding turbulence management.
Multi-Part Advisory Circular 91-13, AC 133-09 and AC 138-06 provides guidance on the conduct of helicopter operations using NVIS. This publication supports and expands upon the content of Civil Aviation Safety Regulation (CASR) Part 91, Part 133 and Part 138 and relevant Manual of Standards (MOS).
Advisory Circular AC 1-03 provides advice on CASR regulations pertaining the flight operations. They include Parts 91, 119, 121,133, 135 and 138 of CASR, specifically for those transitioning to these regulations on 2 December 2021.
Advisory Circular 91-02 provides guidance to assist pilots when determining the suitability for an aeroplane to safely take off and land. It details an overview of the pilot’s responsibilities.
Advisory Circular AC 91-07 provides operator guidance in relation to cabin electronic flight bags, extracts of which have been taken from International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) Doc 10111 Manual on the Implementation and Use of Cabin Electronic Flight Bags.
The purpose of this Advisory Circular AC 91-03 is to provide information that will assist pilots and operators in understanding the requirements for the carriage of assistance animals.
Advisory Circular AC 91-17 provides information and guidance in the use of Electronic Flight Bags (EFB) as a replacement for paper in the aircraft.
AC 91-11 provides information about the conduct of low-visibility operations (LVO) and the processes and requirements for obtaining an approval to conduct LVO.
Advisory Circular AC 91-15 provides information on fuel requirements for aircraft that are being used to conduct Part 91 operations.
Advisory Circular AC 91-10 provides guidance on procedures that, when followed, will improve situational awareness and safety for all pilots when flying at, or in the vicinity of, non-controlled aerodromes.
AC 91-21 provides guidance on the application for an approval to conduct an air display, and the management of air displays, in accordance with the relevant provisions of Part 91 of the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 (CASR).
Advisory Circular AC 91-16 provides foundational information on wake vortex behaviour, alert pilots to the hazards of aircraft wake turbulence and to outline recommended operational procedures to avoid or manage wake turbulence encounters.
Advisory Circular AC 91-06 explains the basic principles of PBCS and the way it relates to the flight planning and operations.
This AC provides guidance regarding the requirements for registration and use of emergency location transmitters for operations that fall under Parts 91, 121, 133, and 135 of CASR.
Advisory Circular AC 91-22 provides guidance on establishing and using aircraft checklists.
Advisory Circular AC 91-29 - This AC provides guidance to assist pilots in assessing the suitability of a place for a helicopter to safely take off and land.
This AC provides guidance on implementation of the Global Reporting Format (GRF). The GRF provides an internationally harmonised and standardised method of assessing and reporting runway surface conditions which impact on flight operations.
Advisory Circular AC 91-23 provides advice to aircraft owners and pilots about enhancing their situational awareness during flight through the use of Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast (ADS-B) technology.
Advisory circular AC 91-14 provides advice for pilots on collision avoidance through the 'see and avoid' principle. It also covers the use of radio to maintain separation in the air through ‘alerted see-and-avoid’.
AC 91-33 provides guidance on operating into or near airspace, located in Australia or overseas, that are known or suspected of being contaminated with volcanic ash or at aerodromes with runway volcanic ash contamination.
Advisory Circular AC 91-05 v1.0 - Performance-based navigation provides information on the concept of performance-based navigation and guidance on navigation specifications used in Australia.
CAAP 48-01 provides guidance on meeting the AOC holder and flight crew member (FCM) obligations in relation to fatigue risk management, required under Civil Aviation Order (CAO) 48.1 Instrument 2019.
Supporting resources related to this part will appear in this space. These are used in conjunction to support the formal guidance material listed above.
7 supporting resources available
This document is intended to assist operators and persons who will conduct operations under Part 91 of CASR to prioritise their actions to transition to the new flight operations regulations.
Use this form to provide your Post Display Report and advise of any safety occurrences or details that relate to the oversight and running of the event.
Use this form to apply to conduct an air display which includes a single ship display, fly-in competition, cross country event or fly-past with an open invitation to the general public to attend.
Use this form to apply for an initial issue, renewal of, or changes to general approvals issued under Part 91 of Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 (CASR).
Use this form to provide details for the initial issue, renewal or variation of the North Atlantic high-level airspace (NATHLA) approval.
Use this form to apply for approvals under Part 91 for a minimum equipment list (MEL) for a particular type and model of aircraft. You can also request extensions of rectification intervals for existing MEL items.
Impact of new flight operations regulations on flight crew licencing exams. The introduction of the new flight operations regulations on 2 December 2021 will mean changes to the various flight crew licensing (FCL) theory exams.