
CASA regulates civil air operations in Australia, including remote communities. We capture our responsibilities in our mission:

To promote a positive collaborative safety culture through a fair, effective and efficient aviation safety regulatory system, supporting our aviation community.

We acknowledge the importance of the contributions made to the aviation industry by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples since the first aviation industry employees in the 1900s. Providing employment opportunities to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples is an important part of our diversity and inclusion objectives. Not only do we improve our workforce by broadening perspectives and approaches, but we gain an even greater understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures through this process.

In our procurement activities, our Indigenous Procurement Policy supports opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander suppliers meaning they experience greater economic outcomes.

Our aviation oversight activities allow us to ensure the safety of services to remote communities through onsite checks of air operators and approved landing areas. We implemented the unique deliverable of conducting surveillance events and educational programs on Country in our Innovate RAP (2021 – 2023) and this action continues in our Stretch RAP.

Within the CASA context, opportunities exist every time we interact with aviation stakeholders in our core functions of providing advice, conducting entry control, completing compliance and assurance, and addressing non-compliance through enforcement. Each of these activities brings us into contact with aviation industry stakeholders, colleagues and third parties who may be unfamiliar with CASA’s reconciliation journey.

Focus area

Opportunities specifically align to Goal 2 of CASA’s Corporate Plan (2022 – 2023) which says:

  • Goal 2: Engage collaboratively with the wider aviation community to promote and support a positive safety culture.

Within this goal, the key activities of 'engaging with stakeholders' and 'promoting safety and education' extend to include CASA’s approach to reconciliation and the actions we take on our reconciliation journey

Published date: 5 July 2023
Online version available at: https://www.casa.gov.au//reconciliation-action-plan-2023-2026/opportunities
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