CASA has achieved an extensive number of accomplishments since our formal reconciliation journey began with our Reflect RAP (2015 – 2016), including the following milestones.
Year | Reconciliation journey event/milestone |
2013 | Indigenous Inclusion Consultative Network formed with 8 members. |
2014 | CASA becomes a member of the Indigenous Champions Network and an employer under the Indigenous Australian Government Development Program (IAGDP). |
2015 – 2016 | Reflect RAP developed and launched. |
2017 | First annual RAP Impact Measurement Questionnaire submitted to Reconciliation Australia. |
2017 | First National Reconciliation Week commemorations. |
2017 – 2019 | Innovate RAP developed and launched. |
2018 | Indigenous Engagement Network established as the next iteration of the Indigenous Inclusion Consultative Network. |
2018 | First NAIDOC week event with all offices attending. |
2019 | First Cultural Appreciation training course. |
2019 | Indigenous artwork commissioned – Our Way by James Baban. |
2019 | Indigenous artwork procured for Brisbane office – Sea Country Dreaming by Dylan Sarra. |
2020 | 2 Indigenous Apprenticeship Program (IAP) participants commence with CASA. |
2020 | New Indigenous Procurement Guidelines implemented. |
2021 | CASA branded clothing (shirts, ties, scarves and lanyards) featuring the 'Our Way' artwork designed and released. |
2021 | Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Protocols Guide launched in December. |
2021 | Creation of the CASA Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employee Network (CATSIEN). |
2021 | First CATSIEN conference held in Perth, WA and attended by 11 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff members. |
2021 | SBS Inclusion training package released to CASA staff as mandatory training. |
2021 | First National Sorry Day commemorated with an all-staff email. |
2021 – 2023 | Innovate RAP officially launched on Garramilla and broadcasted to all offices. |
2022 | Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Recruitment, Retention and Professional Development Strategy developed and launched in January. |
2022 | Second CATSIEN Conference held in Cairns, QLD and attended by 14 CATSIEN members. |
2022 | Cultural Learning Strategy developed and launched in September. |
2022 | Reconciliation Australia Workplace RAP Barometer completed by 240 CASA staff members. |
2022 | Seventy-seven staff members attend Acknowledgement of Country language Workshops in Perth, Canberra and Cairns offices. |
2022 | Introduction of a specialist hotline for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff through employee assistance program (EAP) provider – Converge International. |
2022 | CATSIEN distributes Acknowledgement of Country cards to more than 800 staff members. |
Throughout this journey of significant milestones, CASA has learned the value that individuals, perseverance, and resilience play in changing a culture and educating our team. We have learned the value of creating a supportive environment where our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff members are able to bring their full self to work each day. We have learned that championing at the executive level raises the profile of our RAP deliverables and gains commitment to new initiatives that create positive change. As we enter our Stretch RAP, we have also learned that each CASA office is on an individual reconciliation journey and success can only be achieved when our actions, deliverables and strategies are adapted for each office and its staff.