The Part 142 of CASR template in MAAT offers a way to structure your exposition under relevant section headings that collates related subject matter.
No single exposition structure is appropriate for all operators. We recommend you develop the exposition that best reflects information specific to your operational requirements.
Editing Part 142 exposition sections
We encourage you to develop an exposition by adding or renaming sections in the template where the feature permits.
You can delete some subsections if they are not applicable to your operation.
You may come across a section that is not relevant for your operation that you may not be able to delete in MAAT. Insert the words "Not applicable" or “RESERVED” in the content area.
Most sections of the template include:
- guidance material
- sample text
- links to helpful websites to assist writing the exposition.
We have provided sample diagrams, such as an organisations structure, which you can download and update with your logo and company details as required. Or, you can use your own diagrams.
The structure and content of the exposition should reflect the characteristics of your Part 142 organisation.
We have provided some sample text based on a fictitious operator profile. You must only use this as a guide. You will need to modify the text to reflect your organisation’s operational activities.
To address all requirements of Part 142, consider developing a compliance matrix or checklist cross referencing each regulatory requirement to the exposition. This matrix/checklist is not available in the MAAT template.
Supporting manuals and documents
Part 142 of CASR introduces requirements that requires your organisation to develop and document procedures for compliance. For example, procedures for managing and conducting Part 142 activities such as:
- type rating training
- integrated commercial licence training
- contracted checking.
You can find these procedures in appropriately titled manuals such as:
- 'type rating training manual'
- 'commercial licence training manual'
- 'contracted checking manual'.
You also need to include manuals describing various systems required under the regulation. Examples include:
- training management system manual
- safety management system manual
- internal training and checking system manual.
Additionally, you must include manuals related to compliance with other civil aviation legislation such as an operations manual and dangerous goods manual (if applicable).
As it is not practical to reproduce large sized manuals in the main exposition document, you can refer to your manuals. You can include smaller sized manuals as appendices to the exposition if required.
The exposition template allows you to include manuals as appendices with the exception of the:
- operations manual
- safety management system manual
- dangerous goods manual.
Part 142 manual templates
The template includes the following manuals as appendices. You can update these with your content, use the sample text provided, or delete as needed:
- Part 142 Flight Training Manual (rename as required)
- Part 142 Training Management System Manual
- Part 142 Internal Training and Checking System Manual
- Part 142 Change Management
- Part 142 Fatigue Management Manual
- Part 142 Contracted Recurrent Training Manual
- Part 142 Contracted Checking Manual
- Part 142 Quality Assurance Management System Manual.
If you prefer not to include these manuals as appendices, you can delete sections or use them to refer to the manuals’ location.
Each manual forms part of the exposition and is subject to the same requirements and controls as the exposition.
MAAT training includes an overview of the Part 142 of CASR exposition structure and features.