We authorise flight training operators to conduct flight training. Flight training allows you to get and maintain Australian flight crew:
- licences
- ratings
- endorsements.
You need our approval to conduct flight training activities. The only exception to this is flight training for:
- design feature endorsements
- flight activity endorsements.
An authorised instructor can conduct training for these endorsements.
You can carry out training:
- in an aircraft
- on a flight simulation training device
- using both flight simulation training devices and aircraft.
See the rules for flight training in Australia in the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 (CASR) Parts 61, 141 and 142. CASR Part 5 applies to balloons and training.
Our approval can take different forms, including:
- a Part 141 certificate
- a Part 142 B2 certificate
- an Air Operator's Certificate with a Part 142 authorisation
- a combination of these.
Part 141 flight training
You need a Part 141 approval to conduct training activities for:
- non-integrated training for a:
- recreational pilot licence (RPL)
- private pilot licence (PPL)
- commercial pilot licence (CPL)
- single pilot aircraft ratings
- operational ratings not involving multi-crew operations (excluding instructor and instrument rating)
- specified aircraft type ratings.
You do not need an AOC.
Flight training can be conducted by an organisation operating under a Part 141 approval, or an individual operating under the same type of approval.
You can find more information for individuals operating under a 141 approval on the Become a single instructor flight training operation page.
Part 142 flight training
You will need a Part 142 approval to conduct training for:
- multi-crew flight training activities
- contracted recurrent training
- contracted checking
- integrated training for a PPL, CPL, air transport pilot licence (ATPL) and multi-pilot crew licences (MPL)
- training for aircraft type ratings other than those that are listed as Part 141 training.
You will also need an AOC if you train in aircraft.
Flight training conducted in flight simulation training devices (FSTD)
If you plan to conduct Part 142 flight training in an FSTD, you must have a Part 142 approval.
You do not need an AOC if you are only training in simulators.
A flight simulation training device means:
- a qualified flight simulator
- a qualified flight training device
- a synthetic trainer, approved under Civil Aviation Order 45.0
- a device that meets the qualification standards under regulation 61.045
a qualified device by a recognised foreign state’s national aviation authority.