Apply for or vary a Certificate of Approval (CAR 30)

There are two regulations for maintenance organisations:

  • Part 145 of Civil Aviation Safety Regulations (CASR) approved maintenance organisations (AMO)
  • Regulation 30 of the Civil Aviation Regulations (CAR) Certificates of approval (COA).

The approval you need depends on the type of flying operations carried out with the aircraft. Also, the type of components you wish to maintain.

A COA will allow you to maintain registered aircraft and components not used for scheduled air transport operations.

For certain other types of operations, you must become a Part 145 AMO. These include:

  • scheduled air transport operations
  • when registered operators elect Part 42 applies to the aircraft for:
    • non-scheduled air transport, medical transport, or aerial application operations
    • large aircraft not authorised to operate under an Air Operator’s Certificate

We give further guidance on how to apply to be a Part 145 Approved Maintenance Organisation.

Replacing CAR 30 with Part 145 for maintenance approvals

Part 145 of CASR will replace Regulation 30 of CAR as part of the regulation reform project. After the transition period, Part 145 CASR will be the only type of approval you need to be a maintenance organisation.

We recommend new entrants become a Part 145 Approved maintenance organisation (AMO).

If you are thinking of varying or applying for a Certificate of Approval (COA), you should consider becoming a Part 145 AMO instead. This is the preferred approach as it will reduce your future transitional burden moving to the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998.

How to apply for or vary a CAR 30 COA

  1. Contact us about which application process to use

    Before starting your application, we recommend you contact us to determine which process will suit your organisation.

    • For organisation that would like to become a Part 145 AMO, follow our guidance on how to how to apply to be a Part 145 Approved Maintenance Organisation.
    • For organisations that would like to apply for an initial or variation of a COA under regulation 30 – continue on to Step 2.
    • For renewing or replacing a lost or damaged CAR 30 certificate – continue to Step 9.
  2. Download and complete application forms

    The application for a Certificate of Approval is made up of multiple parts – known as Form 019.

    Some parts you must fill out. Other parts depend on what sort of application you are making.

    Follow the instructions on the form and read our Certificate of Approval application form 019 guidelines. The guidelines clearly explain which parts you should fill out along with the supporting documents required.

    Every applicant must submit the following parts:

    For an initial application, or a variation of a COA, you need to complete only the form part(s) below that relate to your proposed activities:

  3. Submit the signed COA application form

    Once you've completed all required sections:

    • submit your application using the details provided in the Form 19 guidelines
    • include any required supporting documentation.

    We will send you an email confirming receipt of your application.

  4. Review of your application

    Once we have received your application we will send you a confirmation email. If your application is incomplete, we will contact you.

    We will also provide you with a cost estimate of your application fee.

  5. Pay fees and submit supporting documents

    The application fee is based on an hourly rate. We will calculate the number of hours required to assess your application and provide an estimate. We will also tell you if we need any further supporting documents.

    To proceed with your application, you need to:

    • pay the amount noted in the estimate letter
    • provide any further documents.

    We will not assess your application until we have received your payment and supporting documents.

  6. Assessment of application

    We then carry out a detailed assessment of your application. The assessment is done in accordance with requirements under the:

    We may contact you or your agent to arrange a meeting to discuss:

    • assessment time frames
    • the suitability of the procedures manual and any other documentation you submitted
    • the qualifications and/or responsibilities of personnel.
  7. Recommendation and approval

    Once we have all the required information and have completed assessing your application, we'll give you a recommendation or approval.

  8. Issue certificate

    If your application is successful, we will send the certificate to you by email and post.

    We will compare the actual hours spent on your application with our estimate and let you know if there is any adjustment.

    If we spent less time on your application than estimated, we will send you a refund for those hours along with your certificate.

    If we spent more time on your application than estimated, you must pay the additional cost before we can issue your certificate.

  9. Renew your Certificate of Approval

    If you already hold a COA and you want to renew the COA without changes, then you must submit an Application for the subsequent issue of a COA without change (Form 692).

    Follow the form guidelines and submit using the details provided on the form.

Replace lost or damaged certificate

  1. Submit a request in writing

    You must make the request for a replacement certificate in writing, and it must be accompanied by a statutory declaration outlining the details we require.

    The statutory declaration must:

    • be made and signed by the certificate holder (person whose name appears on the certificate as the certificate holder or in the case of company, the managing director of the company whose name appears on the certificate.)
    • be made before a person authorised under any law in force in Australia or its Territories to take declarations.

    Send your written request and statutory declaration to the Aviation Industry Approval and Permissions Issue Section of the Client Services Centre.

  2. Review of your request

    We will review your request and the statutory declaration to ensure that you have provided the correct information, including your details and the details of your certificate against our records.

    We will contact you if we require more information. Your request may not be granted if you do not provide the information we request within a reasonable period.

  3. Reproduction of your certificate

    If we approve your request, we will reproduce a certified true copy of your certificate. A CASA administrative staff member will sign the certificate to indicate that it is a certified true copy.

  4. Questions about your application

    You can contact us with questions about your application at any stage.

  5. Withdraw application

    You can withdraw your application in writing at any time. If you withdraw during your application at any point, you will be charged for the hours already spent on your assessment.

    We will send you an invoice or refund as applicable.

Extra Body field

Questions about your application

You can contact us with questions about your application at any stage.

Withdraw application

You can withdraw your application in writing at any time. If you withdraw during your application at any point, you will be charged for the hours already spent on your assessment.

We will send you an invoice or refund as applicable.

Last updated:
15 Dec 2022
Online version available at:
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