Aircraft dealer's marks

We assign dealer's marks to individuals or organisations engaged in the manufacture, sales or distribution of aircraft in Australia.

Aircraft flying under a dealer's mark must comply with the legal and operational requirements listed in Subpart 47.H of the CASR.

How to apply for aircraft dealer's marks

  1. Before you begin your application, you must:

    AC 47-01 Registration of aircraft and related matters (PDF, 549.69 KB)
    • have evidence to show how you manufacture, sell or distribute aircraft in Australia.

    You can see which marks are available to reserve in our list of available marks.

  2. Complete the form

    Use Form 031 to apply for aircraft dealer's marks. Follow the instructions on the form.

    Use this form if you are an:

    • aircraft dealer
    • agent acting on behalf of an aircraft dealer.

    We gather and store your information according to our Privacy Statement.

  3. Submit your form

    Submit your application along with any supporting documents to us and pay the fee. Email or post your completed application using the details on the form.

    Application by email is our preferred option.

  4. Pay the fee

    You must pay a fee when applying to reserve an aircraft dealer's mark.

    The fee for each mark is $130.00.

    You can pay by completing the payment details on the form.

  5. After you submit the form

    We will review your application. If accepted, you can expect to receive your assignment of dealer’s mark certificate by mail within four weeks.

    You can see the name and address details of current holders of dealer's marks below.

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Dealers' responsibilities

If CASA assigns a dealer's mark to an aircraft dealer, the dealer must abide by the following requirements:

  • Manufacturer a dealer’s plate to the requirements shown in CASR 47.205
  • Ensure the aircraft is not registered in Australia or a foreign country
  • Place the plate in the aircraft which is being used
  • Keep records of the usage and the aircraft
  • Provide an annual report to CASA of the usage.
Last updated:
28 Jun 2022
Online version available at:
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