Change or transfer a registration mark

You must apply to change a registration mark on a VH registered aircraft if you want to:

  • use a different registration mark on your aircraft.

When to apply

We must receive your application at least 14 days before the effective date of the mark change.

We will reject your application if you:

  • do not nominate a date of effect 14 days or more after the date of receipt
  • nominate a date that is a weekend or a public holiday in the ACT.

How to apply to change or transfer your aircraft registration mark

You will need Change of aircraft registration mark form 23. Use this form if you are the:

  • aircraft registration holder
  • authorised registered operator.

Before you begin your application, you must ensure:

Before applying for the change of registration mark, you must ensure the new mark has been reserved to:

  • the aircraft identified by its manufacturer, model and serial number
  • the aircraft's registration holder.
  1. Complete the application form

    Complete Change of aircraft registration mark form 23. Follow the instructions on the form.

    We gather and store your information according to our privacy statement. We will not release details about individuals or organisations who change a registration mark.

  2. Submit the form

    Submit your application and any supporting documents to us and pay the fee.

    Email or post your completed application using the details on the form.

    Application by email is our preferred option.

  3. Pay the fee

    You must pay a fee when applying to change a registration mark. The application fee is $130.00.

    You can pay the fee by:

    • using our online payments system
    • completing the payment authorisation details on the form.
  4. After you submit the form

    If there is information missing from your application, we will contact you to ask for it.

    Letter of approval

    If we accept your application, we will issue a letter of approval including the:

    On the date of effect, we will:

    • issue a new certificate of registration with the new registration mark and notify the registered operator
    • mail your new certificate of registration to the address recorded against the registration holder’s ARN or the address provided on your application.

    From the date of effect you must ensure:

    • you do not operate the aircraft until you have received notification of the new registration in place
    • the new certificate of airworthiness, bearing the new registration mark, has been issued
    • you do not operate the aircraft outside Australian territory until you receive the new certificate and place it on board the aircraft.

    If you decide not to proceed

    If you decide not to proceed with the change of mark after approval, you must notify us in writing. Your written notification must notify us at least 7 days before the effective date of change.

    If you change your mind on or after the date of effect, you must lodge a new application to change the mark back.

    To change the effective date

    To change the effective date, you must notify us in writing at least 7 days before the original date scheduled for the change of mark.

    A new effective date cannot be earlier than the originally scheduled date.

    If you are unable to provide 7 days notice, we will either:

    • change the mark on the original effective date
    • cancel your application.

    If you withdraw your application, we will not refund your fee.

Last updated:
22 Feb 2022
Online version available at:
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