Part 21 of CASR Certification and airworthiness requirements for aircraft and parts

Rule status


Part 21 of the Civil Aviation Regulations (CASR) sets out the certification and airworthiness requirements for aircraft and aircraft parts. It includes rules relating to:

  • type certificates
  • type acceptance certificates
  • supplemental type certificates
  • production certificates
  • certificates of airworthiness
  • export airworthiness approvals.

Part 21 also covers the approval of aircraft engines, propellers, and certain materials and parts. It references the airworthiness certification standards mentioned in Parts 22-35. These include:

  • Part 22 - Sailplanes
  • Part 23 - Small Aeroplanes
  • Part 25 - Transport Category Aeroplanes
  • Part 26 - Primary/Intermediate category aeroplanes
  • Part 27 - Rotorcraft
  • Part 29 - Rotorcraft (Transport Category)
  • Part 31 - Manned free balloons
  • Part 32 - Engines for Very Light Aeroplanes
  • Part 33 - Aircraft Engines
  • Part 35 - Aircraft propellers.

Subpart 21.H

Subpart 21.H covers the certification of a new category of aircraft called Light Sport Aircraft (LSA). This includes aircraft used for aviation sport and recreational activities, such as:

  • ultra- light airplanes
  • gliders
  • balloons
  • powered parachutes
  • weight-shift control aircraft
  • gyroplanes.

Subpart 21.J

Subpart 21.J sets out the rules for certification and operations of approved design organisations (ADOs). The ADOs may carry out certain design and technical data approval functions regulated by Part 21, without further reference to CASA or an authorised person.

Who it affects

Part 21 of CASR affects anyone in the Australian aviation community involved in the design, manufacture and airworthiness certification of aircraft, aeronautical products and parts.

Legislative instruments

Legislative instruments include exemptions to regulatory requirements in aviation regulations or a Manual of Standards.

Exemptions may apply to a broad range of people.

Instruments related to this part will display in this space or you can view our list of legislative instruments.

8 legislative instruments available

Part 21 Manual of Standards
Weight requirements for balloons - Instrument 2015
CAO 100.96
Equipment standards - flight data recorders
CAO 103.19

Non-legislative instruments

Non-legislative instruments apply to a particular person. There are some exemptions to regulatory requirements in aviation regulations or a Manual of Standards listed here.

Non-legislative Instruments related to this part will display in this space or you can view our list of non-legislative instruments.

Guidance material

Advisory material provides advice and guidance to explain particular regulatory requirements of a CASR Part. Guidance material relating to this part will appear in this space or you can view all our guidance material.

51 guidance material available


Advisory circular AC 21-39 provides information and guidance to ensure that the fitting, or modification an aircraft’s gaseous oxygen systems, will not be a potential threat either on the ground or in flight.

Advisory Circular Version: 1.1

Advisory Circular AC 21-24 is to provide guidance maintenance of aircraft flight data recorders (FDRs), cockpit voice recorders (CVRs) and underwater locating devices (ULDs).

Advisory Circular Version: 1.1

Advisory Circular AC 21-25 provides information on the process we use when assigning a permit index number to an aircraft that has been granted a special CofA in the limited category.

Advisory Circular Version: 5.1

Advisory Circular AC 21-27 provides guidance concerning Part 21 manufacturing authorisations of aircraft, aircraft engines, propellers, articles and aeronautical products. It does not cover approvals granted under the continuing airworthiness regulations.

Advisory Circular Version: 2.2

Advisory Circular AC 21-28 provides guidance in relation to approval of an unrepaired defect in an aircraft under regulation 21.007 of the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 (CASR).

Advisory Circular Version: 1.1

Advisory Circular AC 21-29 gives information, guidance and assistance to interpret and determine the requirements for persons in involved in the construction, manufacture and fabrication of plans of amateur-build aircraft.

Advisory Circular Version: 1.1

Advisory Circular AC 21-30 provides information and guidance to applicants applying for the issue of type acceptance certificates (TACs) for foreign aircraft types, using the automatic acceptance procedures of CASR 21.029A.

Advisory Circular Version: 2.0

Advisory Circular AC 21-31 provides guidance to those applying for a Type Certificate for foreign aircraft types in accordance with CASR Subpart 21.29, where the automatic acceptance procedures of the Subpart do not apply.

Advisory Circular Version: 1.1

Advisory Circular AC 21-33 provides information and guidance to persons seeking to arrange the delivery of an aircraft to Australia.

Advisory Circular Version: 1.1

Advisory Circular AC 21-34 provides information on Aircraft Flight Manuals (AFM), including approval of AFMs, changes to AFMs and AFM supplements.

Advisory Circular Version: 1.1

Advisory Circular AC 21-35 provides one method of providing control and calibration requirements for tools and test equipment.

Advisory Circular Version: 1.1

Advisory Circular AC 21-36 provide guidance information on design, development and subsequent airworthiness approval of Global Navigation Satellite Systems GNSS equipment installations.

Advisory Circular Version: 3.2

Advisory Circular AC 21-38 provides guidance for the preparation or alteration of an electrical load analysis (ELA). It is appropriate in the absence of information from the type certificate or supplemental type certificate holder.

Advisory Circular Version: 2.1

Advisory Circular AC 21-22 provides information and guidance concerning CASR Part 21 Subpart N - Approval of engines, propellers, materials, parts, and appliances: import.

Advisory Circular Version: 1.1

Advisory Circular AC 21-40 provides guidance on methods for the development, calibration, control and operation of instruments and flight test systems used to measure the airspeed of a light aircraft.

Advisory Circular Version: 1.1

Advisory Circular AC 21-41 explains the requirements for the issue of a Certificate of Airworthiness for Light Sport Aircraft under CASR Subpart 21.H, and the rules for operating light sport aircraft.

Advisory Circular Version: 1.1

Advisory Circular AC 21-42 explains the certification requirements for an LSA manufacturer.

Advisory Circular Version: 2.0

Advisory Circular AC 21-43 provides guidance to applicants seeking an Experimental Certificate for a large Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) which is an aeroplane with a launch weight of 150kg or above.

Advisory Circular Version: 1.0

Advisory Circular AC 21-45 provides information on the airborne component of the 1090 Megahertz Extended Squitter Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS-B) data link used in Australia, providing guidance to approve and install equipment.

Advisory Circular Version: 2.3

Advisory Circular AC 21-46 provides information and guidance concerning the standards used for the approval of required avionics equipment for use in Australian registered aircraft.

Advisory Circular Version: 3.0

Advisory Circular AC 21-47 provides general safety information to our staff, aircraft industry participants and amateur aircraft builders involved with any of the flight-testing requirements under CASR Part 21.

Advisory Circular Version: 1.1

Advisory Circular AC 21-50 provides guidance on the approval of non-integrated aircraft software and electronic hardware parts for registered operators or persons authorised under CASR Subpart 21.M and organisations under CASR Subpart 21.J.

Advisory Circular Version: 1.1

Advisory Circular AC 21-53 provides guidance on aircraft electromagnetic interference, electromagnetic compatibility, lightning protection and high-intensity radiated fields.

Advisory Circular Version: 1.0

Advisory Circular AC 21-601 provides information and guidance on the issue of Australian Technical Standard Order (ATSO) authorisations under CASR Subpart 21.O and the rules governing the holders of these authorisations.

Advisory Circular Version: 2.0

Advisory Circular AC 21.J-01 provides guidance and acceptable means of compliance with the requirements of Subpart 21.J of the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 (CASR).

Advisory Circular, Industry compliance template Version: 1.1

Advisory Circular AC 21-99 provides guidance for the maintenance of aircraft electrical systems and bonding of aircraft. It highlights the processes required for aircraft wiring systems to function to their designed service life.

Advisory Circular Version: 2.1

Advisory circular AC 21-10 provides guidance and information to applicants applying for experimental certificates.

Advisory Circular Version: 4.3

CAAP 42ZC-02 provides information and guidance about the maintenance requirements for amateur built experimental (ABE) and amateur built aircraft acceptance (ABAA) aircraft.

Civil Aviation Advisory Publication Version: 1.2

CAAP 104-01 provides information and guidance about the amended provisions of CAO 104.0 and Directions Instrument number Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) 03/15.

Civil Aviation Advisory Publication Version: 2.2

Advisory circular AC 20-02 provides information and guidance on international agreements on airworthiness matters between the Australian Government and the government of a foreign country, including CASA and National Aviation Authorities.

Advisory Circular Version: 1.1

Advisory circular AC 21-01 provides guidance to understand the Australian system of civil aircraft airworthiness categorisation and designation prior CARs, and specifically CASR Part 21 Subpart H, 'Certificates of Airworthiness' being issued. Also known as AC 21.1(1).

Advisory Circular Version: 1.0

Advisory circular AC 21-02 provides guidance and information to the public, Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) staff and persons applying for the issue of standard certificates of airworthiness.

Advisory Circular Version: 2.2

Advisory circular AC 21-03 provides guidance and information to the public, Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) staff and persons applying for the issue of Special Certificates of Airworthiness (CoAs).

Advisory Circular Version: 3.1

Advisory Circular AC 21-04 provides guidance and information to applicants applying for an experimental certificate issued for amateur-built aircraft in Australia, subsequent to the issue of a CoA under CASR Subpart 21.H.

Advisory Circular Version: 2.0

Advisory Circular AC 21-05 explains the process for certifying a limited category aircraft under Subpart 21.H of the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 (CASR).

Advisory Circular Version: 2.2

Advisory Circular AC 21-06 provides guidance and information for our staff and applicants applying for type certification and special certificates of airworthiness issued for aircraft in the restricted categories under CASR Subpart 21.H.

Advisory Circular Version: 1.0

Advisory Circular AC 21-07 provides guidance and information for our authorised persons and applicants applying for Type Certificates (TCs) to be issued for primary category aircraft designed in Australia under CASR Part 21.

Advisory Circular Version: 1.1

Advisory Circular AC 21-08 provides information and guidance on the application, assessment and approval of designs of modifications and repairs under Subpart 21.M.

Advisory Circular Version: 2.1

Advisory Circular AC 21-09 provides and information to applicants applying for special flight permits (SFP) in Australia.

Advisory Circular Version: 4.1

CAAP 30-04 provides guidance to applicants when requesting changes or applying for a COA. It details acceptable procedures for CoA holders to maintain their certificates and includes internationally recognised maintenance terminology.

Civil Aviation Advisory Publication Version: 3.0

Advisory Circular AC 21-11 provides guidance and information for our staff, authorised persons and applicants applying for a speciality category CoA issued for amateur-built aircraft in Australia under CASR Subpart 12.H.

Advisory Circular Version: 1.1

Advisory Circular AC 21-12 provides guidance on the classification of design changes for the purposes of approval under CASR Part 21 to determine the approval method and certification basis for the change.

Advisory Circular Version: 1.1

Advisory Circular AC 21-13 provides guidance and information for applicants applying for Type Certificates (TCs) issued for aircraft designed in Australia under CASR Part 21 'Certification and Airworthiness Requirements for Aircraft and Parts'.

Advisory Circular Version: 1.1

Advisory Circular AC 21-14 gives information and guidance to persons applying for or holding production certificates.

Advisory Circular Version: 4.1

Advisory Circular AC 21-15 gives information and guidance in relation to the application, assessment and approval of STCs and variations of STCs.

Advisory Circular Version: 3.1

Advisory Circular AC 21-16 provides guidance to explain the acceptable, but not the sole means of the compliance requirements of CASR Part 21 Subpart K 'Approval of Materials, Parts, Processes and Appliances'.

Advisory Circular Version:

Advisory Circular AC 21-17 provides guidance on applying for an export airworthiness approval for Class I, Class II or Class III products.

Advisory Circular Version: 3.1

Advisory Circular AC 21-18 provides guidance on compressed oxygen or compressed air aeration systems, for the purpose of carriage of live aquatic animals, will not threaten the safety of the aircraft.

Advisory Circular Version: 1.0

Advisory Circular AC 21-19 provides background information and general technical guidance for flight test considerations relating to aircrafts that are modified in accordance with CASR Subparts 21.E and 21.M.

Advisory Circular Version: 1.1

Advisory Circular AC 21-20 provides information and guidance concerning the approval to manufacture of aircraft, aircraft engines, and propellers under a Type Certificate (TC) only.

Advisory Circular Version: 1.0

Advisory Circular AC 21-21 provides background information and guidance regarding the production flight test requirements of Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 (CASR) Subparts 21.F and 21.G.

Advisory Circular Version: 1.1
Last updated date
Online version available at:
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