1. There is another aircraft at the same altitude, on a converging heading, and it’s on your right. So, you:


VFRG: Right-of-way rules, pages 54-55 and Part 91 Plain English Guide: Right-of-way rules, pages 48-50.


2. You must not commence a take-off until a preceding departing aircraft using the same runway:


AIP ENR 1.1 paragraph 9.3.1.


3. Conducting an overflight of your destination aerodrome, you observe a double white cross adjacent to the wind direction indicator (windsock). What does this mean?


Part 91 Plain English Guide: Ground signals for aircraft at aerodromes, pages 64 and AIP ENR 1.5 paragraph 12.3.


4. If you are flying VFR in Class G airspace and your radio fails, you should:


Part 91 Plain English Guide: Australian domestic airspace – inoperative radio requirements, page 61 and ERSA EMERG paragraph 1.5.3. 


5. Before flying any low level activity you must have:


VFRG: Low flying, page 49.


6. Passenger briefing and instructions must be conducted prior to take off. Which of the following is not mandatory?


VFRG: Passengers – safety briefings and instructions, page 213 and Part 91 Plain English Guide: Passengers – safety briefings and instructions, page 38.


7. When navigating by visual reference to the ground or water, you must positively fix the aircraft’s position by visual reference to features marked on a topographical charts at intervals not exceeding?


Part 91 Plain English Guide: VFR flight navigation requirements, page 106.


8. Pilots of VFR flights operating in airspace other than Class C or D, and wishing to nominate a SARTIME, may do so through means such as NAIPS. When you have nominated a SARTIME for a flight wholly conducted outside of controlled airspace, you must notify ATS of changes to which of the following:


AIP ENR 1.10 paragraph 4 and Part 91 Plain English Guide: Changes to flight plans and SARTIME nominations, page 86. 


9. Mandatory broadcast areas (MBA) are annotated on VTCs with a green dash line. Select which of the following is not the correct mandatory broadcast which must be issued when operating in an MBA.


The table in AIP ENR 1.1-35.


10. Flying over the snowy mountains remote area, an aircraft is required to carry appropriate survival equipment for sustaining life for the area that is being overflown?


Part 91 Plain English Guide: remote area survival equipment, page 159.


Online version available at: https://www.casa.gov.au//resources-and-education/pilot-safety-hub/non-controlled-aerodromes/non-controlled-operations-quiz-fixed-wing
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