1. An emergency locator transmitter (ELT) must be carried:


See Part 91 Plain English Guide: Carriage of emergency locator transmitter, page 155, and VFRG page 161.


2. A forecast for destination and any alternate aerodromes must be valid for:


See Part 91 Plain English Guide: Forecasts for flight planning, page 78, and AIP ENR 1.10 para 1.2.4.


3. You must carry the aircraft’s maintenance release or flight technical log:


See Part 91 Plain English Guide: Carriage of documents for certain flights, page 22, and VFRG page 20.


4. When travelling more than 50 nm from your departure aerodrome, which of the following requires an alternate aerodrome at your destination? The maximum crosswind for your aircraft is 15 kt:


See AIP ENR 1.1 para 10.7.2, and VFRG page 79.


5. An aeroplane with a MTOW less than 5,700kg, must carry a final reserve fuel of:


See Part 91 Plain English Guide: Definitions of final reserve fuel and contingency fuel, page 71, and VFRG page 98.


6. The GAF indicates that there will be ‘scattered’ stratus with the cloud top at 5,000 ft AMSL along your planned route OCTA. Your planned track is 300 deg (M). To maintain VMC and conform to the ‘Table of Cruising Levels’ what is the lowest altitude that you can plan to fly at:


See Part 91 Plain English Guide: Cruising levels and minimum heights, page 99 and VFRG page 217.


7. When flying in the circuit of a non-controlled aerodrome, you must make all turns in which direction?


See Part 91 Plain English Guide: Operating on manoeuvring area, or in the vicinity, of a non-controlled aerodrome – requirements that apply after joining the circuit pattern, page 115.


8. Which of the following passenger safety precautions must be taken while refuelling an aircraft with AVGAS?


See Part 91 Plain English Guide: Fuelling aircraft – persons on aircraft, boarding or disembarking, page 77.


9. When weather conditions forecast at a destination require an alternate, but are expected to improve at a specified time, provision for an alternate is not required if sufficient fuel is carried to allow the aircraft to:


See AIP ENR 1.1 para 10.7.2, and VFRG page 80.


10. Before flight, a study must be made of the authorised weather forecasts for the route to be flown. The authorised forecasts must include:


See Part 91 Plain English Guide: Forecasts for flight planning, page 78, and VFRG page 77.


Online version available at: https://www.casa.gov.au//resources-and-education/pilot-safety-hub/flight-planning/flight-planning-quiz
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