Part 171 of CASR Aeronautical telecommunications service and radionavigation service providers

Rule status

Part 171 of the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations (CASR) sets out the rules and standards for aeronautical telecommunications.

This includes:

  • communication and surveillance services
  • radio navigation services.

Part 171 covers:

  • procedures for approval of service providers
  • obligations and privileges of approved service providers
  • requirements for the provision and maintenance of the services
  • qualifications and competency of technicians
  • items to be included in a service provider's operations manual
  •  requirements for a service provider’s safety management system

The Part is based on the standards in Annex 10 (Aeronautical Telecommunications) to the convention on International Civil Aviation.

Who it affects

Part 171 affects:

  • aeronautical telecommunications and radio navigation service providers (Airservices Australia is currently the only approved provider)
  • prospective providers of aeronautical telecommunications services.

Part 171 may also affect:

  • the aviation community
  • pilots using aeronautical telecommunication services.

Legislative instruments

Legislative instruments include exemptions to regulatory requirements in aviation regulations or a Manual of Standards.

Exemptions may apply to a broad range of people.

Instruments related to this part will display in this space or you can view our list of legislative instruments.

1 legislative instruments available

Part 171 Manual of Standards

Non-legislative instruments

Non-legislative instruments apply to a particular person. Some exemptions to regulatory requirements in aviation regulations or a Manual of Standards may be listed here.

Non-legislative instruments related to this part will display in this space or you can view our list of non-legislative instruments.

Guidance material

Advisory material provides advice and guidance to explain particular regulatory requirements of a CASR Part. Guidance material relating to this part will appear in this space or you can view all our guidance material.

5 guidance material available


Advisory Circular AC 171-04 provides guidance on software system acquisition, development, implementation and support. It is for organisations that are certified, or seeking certification as an aeronautical telecommunication and radio navigation service provider.

Advisory Circular Version: 1.1

This advisory circular (AC) provides explanation of CASA requirements and where necessary, methods acceptable to CASA for prospective and approved service providers to comply with the requirements of CASR Part 171 for the provision, operation and maintenance of aeronautical telecommunication and radionavigation (ATEL/ANAV) services that support air traffic services (ATS) or aircraft navigation.

Advisory Circular Version: 2.2

Advisory Circular AC 171-02 provides guidelines for aeronautical telecommunication and radionavigation services providers to have SMS processes in place that assess the safety implications and hazards involved in their operations.

Advisory Circular Version: 1.1

Advisory Circular AC 171-03 provides guidelines for aeronautical telecommunication and radionavigation services providers to have SMS processes in place that assess the safety implications and hazards involved in their operations.

Advisory Circular Version: 1.1

The purpose of this AC is to assist participants in AWO to interpret and apply the regulatory requirements pertaining to AWO, assess the suitability of an aerodrome for AWO, determine the steps to be taken to prepare an aerodrome for AWO, and to maintain these operations safely.

Advisory Circular Version: 1.0
Last updated date
Online version available at:
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