Applying Appendix 7 Fatigue risk management system

A fatigue risk management system (FRMS) helps you create a flexible operating environment where you can highlight and manage potential fatigue risks.

FRMS is an actively managed process where operators anticipate and address fatigue risks and amend their systems accordingly to manage fatigue risk.

Developing an FRMS

We recommend you speak with us before starting to develop a fatigue risk management system.

You can find information to get in touch on our contact us page.

Your FRMS must include, at a minimum:

  • FRMS policy and objectives and related documentation
  • practical operating procedures
  • hazard identification, risk assessment and mitigation procedures
  • safety assurance procedures
  • safety-promotion procedures
  • change management procedures.

We will arrange a pre-application meeting to help you understand the application process and the requirements to obtain an FRMS approval.

Applying for an FRMS approval

All operators wishing to operate to an FRMS, either for a trial or full implementation, must go through the approval process.

To apply for an FRMS:

If you wish to go ahead with an FRMS application follow these steps.

  1. Your pre-application meeting

    The pre-application meeting is a voluntary meeting at no cost. The purpose of this meeting is to help you understand if an FRMS is the right choice for your organisation.

    We will provide information about the process and requirements involved in obtaining an FRMS.

    Please ensure that your FRMS manager or the FRMS implementation team attend the meeting.

  2. Complete and submit your formal application

    Download and complete the Application for a Fatigue Risk Management System approval, renewal and changes form. Read the guidelines on the form for assistance.

    Send your completed and signed application form, together with supporting documents, using the details on the form.

    The required supporting documents include

    If submitted online, we will send you an email confirming receipt of your application and supporting documents.

  3. Reviewing your application

    We will review your application to ensure that you have answered the relevant questions and provided all the required documents.

    If your application is incomplete, we will contact you.

    We will also provide you with a cost estimate of your application fee.

  4. Payment of costs and submission of required supporting documents

    We base our application fee on an hourly rate. We will calculate the number of hours required to assess your application and provide an estimate. We will also tell you if we need any further supporting documents.

    The estimate is valid for 30 days from the date we send the estimate. To proceed with your application, you need to:

    • pay the amount noted in the estimate letter
    • provide any further documents.

    We will not assess your application until we have received your payment and supporting documents.

  5. Detailed assessment

    We will carry out a detailed assessment of your application which happens in 2 parts.

    Trial period

    Once you have met the approval requirements for a trial FRMS implementation, we will issue an approval allowing you to undergo a specified trial period. The trial period lasts between 12 and 24 months.

    During the trial period you will need to apply the processes set out in your FRMS.

    We will monitor, review and assess your trial FRMS implementation. We will use what we learn from the trial, and information provided by you, to make a determination of a full FRMS implementation approval.

    Alternatively, we will provide advice if we require you to undertake re-work.

    Final assessment

    The final assessment for a full FRMS implementation approval may take place as early as three months before the end of the trial period.

    An operator who intends to apply for a full FRMS implementation approval will need to submit a completed application form.  You must submit to the address details which you can find in the form.

    We will consider what the required assessment activities will be. We will let you know what evidence (data and reports) you need to support your application for full FRMS implementation.


    Application for a Fatigue Risk Management System approval, renewal and changes (PDF, 211.85 KB)
  6. Decision outcome

    Once the assessment for full FRMS implementation approval is complete, the assessment team begins the certification process for the full approval.

    The assessment team prepares a recommendation to issue, or not issue, the approval.

    At this stage, we will let operators know if the recommendation varies from what is in the application. We may apply conditions to the approval.

  7. Issue of a full FRMS implementation approval

    If your application is successful, we will provide your formal approval documents.

    We'll reconcile our actual hours against our estimate and let you know if there's any adjustment.

    If we've spent less time on your application than initially estimated, we'll send you a refund for those hours along with your certificate.

    If you need to pay an additional fee, you must pay any outstanding amount before we send your formal documents.

Withdrawal of application

You can withdraw your application in writing at any time. If you withdraw after we have reviewed your application, we will charge you for only the time we have already spent on your assessment.

We will send you an invoice or refund as applicable.

Applying to change or renew your FRMS

As FRMS processes are ongoing, this approach imposes enduring obligations on an operator to assess and allocate the required resources.

You will need to keep your FRMS up-to-date as fatigue hazards and risks change. Your FRMS will be subject to regular oversight and audit by us.

For both changes and renewals, you will need to submit Application for a Fatigue Risk Management System approval, renewal and changes form.

Significant changes

Significant changes include:

  • any increase in the maximum flight times, flight duty periods and duty periods
  • any decrease in the minimum off duty periods
  • any other change to any element of the FRMS that does not maintain or improve, or is not likely to maintain or improve, aviation safety.

To apply for significant change to your FRMS you must complete and submit an Application for a Fatigue Risk Management System approval, renewal and changes form.

You must provide the safety case for each change, including

  • any identified fatigue risks associated with the significant change
  • the proposed mitigation to control each risk
  • the flight crew member alertness process to verify the effectiveness of each mitigation.

You must also provide a draft of your amended FRMS Manual.

We will review your application to ensure that you have answered the relevant questions and provided all the required documents. If your application is incomplete, we will contact you.

We will also provide you with a cost estimate of your application fee. We will not assess your application until we have received your payment.

Non-significant changes

To notify us about changes to your FRMS that are not considered significant, you must complete and submit an Application for a Fatigue Risk Management System approval, renewal and changes form. You must also include your amended FRMS Manual.

We do not charge any fees to process notifications about non-significant changes.

Renewing your FRMS

If your fatigue hazards and risks have not changed by the time of renewal, you can apply for an FRMS renewal.

To apply you must submit an application for a Fatigue Risk Management System approval, renewal, and changes form.

We will also provide you with a cost estimate of your application fee. We will not assess your application to renew your FRMS until we have received your payment.


Application for a Fatigue Risk Management System approval, renewal and changes (PDF, 211.85 KB)
Last updated:
11 Jul 2023
Online version available at:
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