Private pilot (balloon) permit

If you would like to fly a balloon for recreation, you will need a private balloon pilot authorisation.

Private pilot (balloon) permits we issue

We issue private balloon pilot authorisations for:

  • Student pilot (balloon) permit (SP(B)P)
  • Private pilot (balloon) permit (PP(B)P)
  • Radio operator (balloon) permit (RO(B)P)
  • Instructor private pilot (balloon) permit - grade 1 and 2
  • Examiner private pilot (balloon) permit.

We publish information about private balloon pilot authorisations our recreational ballooning procedures manual.

What you need before getting your student pilot (balloon) permit

To get an SP(B)P, you must:

You will also need to keep a record of your training flights. You can do this using our student pilot (balloon) training record. Print out a copy of the booklet and give it to your instructor to complete after every training flight.

Applying for a student pilot (balloon) permit

To get an SP(B)P, you must send us a completed:

What you need to get a private pilot (balloon) permit

To get a PP(B)P, an applicant must:

  • be at least 16 years old
  • have met the requirements in accordance with CAO 95.54 and our recreational ballooning procedures manual
  • have the required experience to pass a flight test and successfully complete the theory requirements contained in our Recreational Ballooning Procedures Manual
  • hold a valid SP(B)P, or an overseas equivalent, and one of the following:
    • an RO(B)P
    • an aviation radio operators certificate (AROC)
    • have authorisation under CASR Part 61 or Part 64 to operate aircraft radio.

How to apply for a private pilot (balloon) permit

To get a PP(B)P, you must send us a completed:

An examiner must sign your form certifying you have met all the requirements for the issue of the permit.

You can find all the requirements in our recreational ballooning procedures manual.

What you need to get a radio operator (balloon) permit

There are 2 methods for the issue of a RO(B)P. They include:

  • demonstration and examination
  • recognition of prior learning.

How to apply for a radio operator (balloon) permit

To get an RO(B)P through the demonstration and examination method, you must demonstrate to an examiner the required standard in both the written and oral examinations and complete the relevant sections of the:

To get an RO(B)P through the recognition of prior learning method, you must complete the relevant sections of application form (BF-002) and submit with evidence of prior learning:

You can find detailed information about how we issue RO(B)P in our recreational ballooning procedures manual.

Balloon instructor and examiner permits we issue

  • Instructor private pilot (balloon) permit grade 2
  • Instructor private pilot (balloon) permit grade 1
  • Examiner private pilot (balloon) permit.

You can find detailed information about private balloon instructor and examiner permits in our recreational ballooning procedures manual.

What you need to get an instructor private pilot (balloon) permit

An instructor permit allows the holder to conduct training in accordance with the pilot training syllabus. There are 2 levels of instructor private pilot (balloon) permits we may issue:

  • Instructor grade 2
  • Instructor grade 1.

We also issue an examiner private pilot (balloon) permit. In accordance with the syllabus, an examiner permit allows the holder to:

  • conduct theory exams
  • conduct flight tests and proficiency reviews.

How to apply for an instructor private pilot (balloon) grade 2 permit

To get an instructor grade 2 permit, you must send us a completed:

The instructor grade 1 must sign your form certifying you have met all the requirements for the issue of the permit.

You can find all the requirements in our recreational ballooning procedures manual.

How to apply for an instructor private pilot (balloon) grade 1 permit

To get an instructor grade 1 permit, you must send us a completed:

The examiner must sign your form certifying you have met all the requirements for the issue of the permit.

You can find all the requirements in our recreational ballooning procedures manual.

How to apply for an examiner private pilot (balloon) permit

To get an examiner private pilot (balloon) permit, you must send us a completed:

You must also successfully complete an interview and flight test with someone approved by us.

You can find all the requirements in our recreational ballooning procedures manual.

Recreational balloon flight reviews

A recreational balloon flight review assesses the aeronautical skills and aeronautical knowledge relevant to the safe flight of balloons in sport or private operations.

If the holder of a PP(B)P satisfactorily completes a recreational balloon flight review, the approved person conducting the review must:

Form BF-004 must be submitted to us by the applicant.

You can find further information on how to conduct a recreational balloon flight review in our recreational ballooning procedures manual.

Last updated:
2 Feb 2024
Online version available at:
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