Registration by joint owners and trust

If there are several owners of an aircraft, they must decide who will become the registration holder.

We do not record the names and details of extra owners in the civil aircraft register.

Registration for leased aircraft

The sole legal owner (the lessor) can become the registration holder, even if the lessor is a financial institution.

A registration holder must nominate a registered operator who is:

  • an eligible person as described in CASR 47.010
  • responsible for the continuing airworthiness and maintenance control of the aircraft.

Even if the registration holder is a financial institution with no connection to aviation, they are still hold responsibilities. Institutions are responsible for all regulatory matters which place responsibility on the registration holder.

Registration for partnerships

Partnerships are not legal entities and do not meet the definition of an eligible person under CASR 47.010. Therefore, they cannot be registration holders or registered operators.

The parties involved in a partnership must nominate one of their group to be the registration holder. The registration holder must then nominate the registered operator.

Registration for trusts

A trust cannot be a registration holder or registered operator.

A trustee can be a registration holder on behalf of a trust if we receive a copy of the Trust Deed with the application and record the registration holder. For example, 'Robert Smith as trustee for the Smith Family Trust'.

If a trustee changes, need to carry out a transfer of aircraft ownership. You will need to contact us to get access to the transfer form.

You can also contact us directly if you have any further questions.

Once this part of the process is complete, the new owners must fill out the following form:

Learn more about the process in our Advisory Circular AC 47-01.

Other ownership scenarios

There are other, more complex ownership scenarios which we haven't outlined on this page.

Contact us to discuss your specific situation.

To transfer ownership or asset

When completing a transfer application, you must include the date when you completed the transfer of the asset when you:

  • transfer ownership of an aircraft
  • apply to become an aircraft registration holder.

Example 1 - financial settlement

If the transfer of the title was upon financial settlement and the payment of the aircraft was by:

  • bank transfer - the date of the deposit of the cleared funds in the seller’s account
  • instalments - the date the former owner receives the final payment.

Example 2 - contract terms

When a contract states the asset transfer would be complete when a particular event happens, use the date of asset transfer. This is regardless of the financial transfer.

Examples of a specific event include the:

  • physical delivery of the aircraft
  • completion of particular maintenance.

In some cases, we may ask you to provide evidence of the contract terms.

Example 3 - asset transfer

When the transfer of an aircraft's ownership from one entity to another occurs without any money changing hands - use the date that the asset transfer is complete.

Example 4 - asset repossession

If the repossessing company assumes ownership of the aircraft and on-sells without becoming the owner, include the date the asset transfer took place.

Example 5 - nominated entity change

If more than one entity owns an aircraft, and the change signifies a change of the entity nominated as registration holder only (rather than the sale or transfer of an asset), include the date the change of registration holder is to be effective from. Please note this date must be on or before the form is submitted. You must include a covering letter explaining the process.

You can also contact us directly if you have any further questions.

Learn more about the process on our Change, transfer or cancel aircraft registration page.

Last updated:
30 Oct 2023
Online version available at:
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