Register an imported aircraft

There are rules to register an imported aircraft in Australia.

Before you submit your form

You must supply official notification from the relevant authority of de-registration or non-registration, either:

  • from the national aviation or sporting authority of the originating country for imported aircraft
  • from an Australian sporting association for previously registered aircraft
  • from the Department of Defence for aircraft previously registered with the Australian State Register.

Statutory declaration

You must provide a statutory declaration when the:

  • official notification is more than 3 months old
  • cancellation of the aircraft's registration was more than 3 months ago.

The statutory declaration should outline aircraft's whereabouts and operations since either:

  • its de-registration
  • the issue of its non-registration notice.

Your declaration must also state that the aircraft has not been on the register of any other country since either the:

  • cancellation
  • issue of the non-registration notice.

You cannot have aircraft registered in 2 countries at the same time.

Submit your statutory declaration along with your application.

Read more on statutory declarations.

Registration marks

To nominate a specific registration mark, you must reserve that mark from our list of available marks.

If you do not reserve a mark, we will allocate an available mark.

  1. Complete the form

    Use Form 029 Aircraft registration initial registration to register an imported aircraft.

    We gather and store your information according to our privacy statement.

  2. Submit the form

    See the form for instructions on how to submit the form and supporting documents to us.

  3. Pay the fee

    You must pay the fee before we can process your form.

  4. After you submit the form

    We will review your application to ensure it is correct and complete. We will contact you if we need more information.

    If we register your aircraft, you must also get a Certificate of Airworthiness (CofA). For CofA matters please contact us or an appropriately authorised person.


    AC 21-33 Delivery of aircraft to Australia (PDF, 270.16 KB)
Last updated:
21 Mar 2022
Online version available at:
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