Make a freedom of information request

You can make a request for access to documents we hold under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act). Documents can include electronic documents or media.

You can apply for access to documents, but not information (such as answers to questions). If you need information or answers to questions, contact us.

FOI request steps

  1. Check information is available

    Before you apply for access to information under the FOI Act, check if the document you need is on our website, particularly the:

  2. Request access

    Your FOI request must be in writing and state that it's requested under the FOI Act.

    It must be detailed enough that the FOI officer can find the document you're requesting.

    We have an obligation to assist you when you make a valid request.

    You can make an FOI request by:

    Freedom of Information Officer
    Civil Aviation Safety Authority
    GPO Box 2005
    Canberra ACT 2601

    If you send your request by post we my contact you regarding third party consultation and personal information.

    In your request:

    • tell us that you’re requesting documents under the FOI Act
    • give us an email address and a phone number we can call for more information if necessary
    • be specific about the documents you’re asking for. Include any reference numbers, date ranges or document titles to help us find them
    • if you're acting on behalf of another person, provide a release authority from that person.

    If your request meets the requirements of the FOI Act, we will confirm your request.

  3. Pay any fees and charges

    There is no cost to lodge an FOI request. However, we may charge you for:

    • the time we spend searching for and retrieving documents
    • third party consultation
    • decision-making time
    • photocopying
    • other costs.

    There is no charge for requesting access to your personal information.

    When we get your request, we will tell you if there's a charge and the estimated cost. You can decide whether to go ahead with the request.

    We don't process your request until you pay any charges. You can pay by credit card or cheque.

    Note: Even if you do pay fees and charges, we might not be able to give you access if the document is sensitive or exempt from being released.

  4. We process your request

    If you decide to proceed with your request and pay the fee (if payable), we then process your request.

    We usually process your request within 30 days. However, we may need more time if COVID-19 causes staff changes or restrictions. In this case, we may take up to 30 extra days to process your request.

    While this is unlikely, the application form asks you to agree to an initial 15-day extension from the decision due date.

    We will contact you if we need to use this extension or get your agreement for another 15 days.

    If we need an extension and you don’t agree to one, we may apply to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) for the extension. This extension may be longer than 15 days.

  5. Get a decision

    We will provide a written decision providing access to documents or refusing access to the documents if they exempt under the FOI Act. A refusal can also include where the documents don't exist, or they cannot be located.

    Read more about this process and getting a decision on the OAIC website.

  6. Request review of decision

    You have the right to request a review of any FOI decision we make.

    You can apply for an:

    • internal review by CASA
    • external review by the OAIC.

    Internal review

    You need to apply for an internal review within 30 days of getting our decision. We will then conduct an independent review and tell you our decision within 30 days.

    External review

    You need to apply to the OAIC for an external review within 60 days of getting our decision.

    Apply in writing via post, fax or email using the contact details on the OAIC website.

    The OAIC provides more information about requesting an external review.

Last updated:
7 Dec 2021
Online version available at:
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