New exemption to streamline applications for drone operations over or near people


If you hold a remotely piloted aircraft operator's certificate (ReOC) and get CASA approval to fly over or near people, you no longer need a separate exemption to fly in a populated area.

A drone with a man standing behind it holding the remote control for it

What this means

Previously, ReOC holders had to get:

  • approval to fly over or near people 
  • an exemption to fly in a populated area.

To make it quicker, easier and reduce costs for operators, we've introduced a general exemption. This means that once you have CASA approval to fly over or near people, you automatically have permission to fly in a populated area as well. You must follow the conditions of your approval.

What you must do 

To use this general exemption, you must:

  • get CASA approval to fly over or near people, following the guidelines in the Temporary Management Instruction (TMI) – RPA operations over or near people
  • if approved, follow the conditions of your approval when flying over or near people.


This exemption is not a blanket permission for everyone. It only applies to ReOC holders who meet the requirements in the TMI and get CASA approval.

More information

In April 2024, we published a TMI explaining how to apply to fly a drone over or near people.

The Exemption Instrument (CASA EX45/24) has been signed and will soon be published online, at Part 101 of CASR unmanned aircraft and rockets | legislative instruments.

Online version available at:
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