Stakeholder satisfaction surveys

We often use independent research organisations to run a stakeholder satisfaction survey which analyses attitudes towards CASA and aviation safety regulation.

The survey is an important performance measure for CASA to understand how we’re performing across all sectors of Australian aviation.

It helps us to focus our efforts on the things most important to our clients.


CASA has more than 118,000 stakeholders across various sectors including pilots, airports, maintenance engineers or drone owners.

To make sure we heard from all sectors to understand whether we’re improving our services, Faster Horses recommended a robust survey methodology.

It found 14 core types of stakeholders and formed sampling quotas for each of these core types. This created a sample size of respondents to represent the CASA stakeholder community.

Faster Horses randomly selected authorisation holders on the database and sent emails to take part in the survey to each of these core types to make up the 6,600 stakeholders.

Each email included a unique survey link to ensure the integrity of the survey.

Faster Horses suggested this method to avoid any one group influencing the results. It also made sure people couldn’t give multiple responses.

Stakeholder satisfaction survey 2023

Our biennial stakeholder satisfaction survey was conducted from April to May 2023.

While there was an overall reduction in satisfaction (from 6.3 in 2020 to 6.1 in 2023), the survey found that satisfaction increased across most aspects of CASA’s performance since 2020.

The overall rating was impacted by frustrations with service delivery due to delays in applications and approvals, which we are actively working to improve.

Only 20% of our stakeholders said they were dissatisfied with their relationship with CASA, with 18% reporting a very satisfied relationship.

CASA’s 2023 stakeholder survey was conducted by independent research organisation, Faster Horses.

Read the full report of the survey findings:

Stakeholder satisfaction survey 2020

CASA appointed Faster Horses to manage the latest stakeholder survey in November and December 2020.

The survey found a small increase in stakeholder satisfaction, with a rating of 6.3 in the latest survey. The rating in 2018 was 6.2.

Stakeholder satisfaction survey 2018

The 2018 survey found the aviation community's satisfaction with our performance had risen significantly since the previous survey in 2015.

It reflected an overall satisfaction rating of 6.2 out of 10, up from 4.2 in the same survey conducted in 2015.

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