Regulatory areas and activities

This section outlines the Roadmap activities by regulatory area. We have developed these activities in consultation with industry to align with:

  • expected industry growth
  • evolving concepts of operations.

The activities reflect a shared understanding between industry and CASA. This understanding is based on the anticipated timeframes in which policy and regulatory development should occur to support the RPAS and AAM sectors. There may be unforeseen delays, including from consultation, resourcing constraints or other work priorities. There may also be some regulatory activities that we are unable to forecast at the time of publication. As such, you should consider proposed milestones as indicative.

Including an activity does not pre-empt a pending policy position or decision. See Policy development and consultation.

Like the regulatory framework across CASR Parts, Roadmap regulatory areas are interconnected. For example, developing airworthiness pathways will address both initial and continuing airworthiness needs. Continuing airworthiness may also include maintenance and operational personnel linking to 'operations' and 'people' activities. Subsequently, roadmap deliverables are likely to span multiple regulatory areas.

Some activities will have multiple deliverables to meet industry needs, operational maturity, or technological advances. We often describe these 'responsive' activities as either:

  • ongoing
  • commencing from
  • enduring.

Each activity includes a relevant Roadmap principle to clarify its purpose. While 'safety first' is a core principle for each activity, it may not capture the broader reasons for including the activity in the Roadmap.

Importantly, milestones are not barriers for industry. Applicants can work with us toward safe operations ahead of activity milestones where there is value and priorities are aligned. Transitional arrangements may support these early-cycle applications (See Regulatory change and Policy development and consultation).

Updated: 30 January 2025
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