Air displays

If you plan on advertising or conducting a flying display then you must have our approval.

You don't need our approval for events that don't invite the general public to attend, such as a local aero club fly-in.

In assessing your application, we will consider the safety of pilots and spectators.

Also see advisory circular AC 91-21 - Air displays.

Definition of an air display

An air display can be:

  • multiple aircraft display
  • single aircraft display
  • a fly past
  • a fly-in.

See AC 91-21 for detailed definitions.

Apply through myCASA

You can apply online through our portal, myCASA and upfront payment at the time of application means that processing begins right away. 

Before you login, make sure you have the following information available:

  • identification documents – you need to apply for an aviation reference number (ARN) if you don’t have one
  • the details of your air display including:
    • detailed display instructions as outlined in AC 91-21
    • a detailed program of events
    • display pilot approvals and details
    • where you’re holding the display
    • a risk assessment
    • your emergency response plan.

Application timing

You must submit your application and pay the estimated fee at least 28 days before the event.

You should finalise your air display program details before you submit your application.

You need to apply well in advance for complex events, such as multiple aircraft displays, large static displays, or combined events.

Assessing your application

In assessing your application, we will consider all sections in AC 91-21, including:

  • what measures you have put in place to protect spectators
  • whether the flight crew members are qualified for the type of activity.

Flight crew members must:

  • have a valid flight crew licence and flight activity endorsements for the aircraft being flown
  • have a current medical certificate.

Pilots must hold an air display pilot approval.

Your air display approval will specify:

  • the date and location of the event
  • any conditions we have placed on the approval
  • other details you included in your application.

We conduct regular surveillance of air displays to ensure a display is being conducted as approved.

After the air display

The display organiser must submit a post-display report to us within 14 days of the air display taking place.

Last updated:
28 Feb 2025
Online version available at:
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