Depending on the type and frequency of aircraft operations occurring at the aerodrome, you may require a safety management system, or risk management plan.
Flight checks of aerodrome lighting systems
Holders of a CASA letter of competency are authorised to conduct flight checks of aerodrome lighting systems. Read Aerodrome lighting checks - authorised persons to learn more.
Emergency planning
Emergency planning requirements are dependent on the type and frequency of aircraft operations occurring at the aerodrome.
To learn more, you can read the Aerodrome emergency planning advisory circular:
Airport Emergency Planning in Australia
Read the Australian Airport Association's Airport Emergency Planning in Australia. It aims to achieve standardisation of essential terminology and structure of Airport Emergency Plans in Australia.
The document also provides comprehensive guidance and reference information for:
- airport emergency committees
- those who must write and maintain plans.
The association's National Airport Emergency Planning Committee produced this document.
Standards for aerodrome facilities and operations
Dependent on the type and frequency of aircraft operations occurring at your aerodrome, you may need a safety management system or risk management plan.
You can read more in our Risk management plans for aerodromes advisory circular:
The Part 139 Manual of Standards includes the requirements for safety management systems.
For operational continuity management we also have general advisory material about safety management systems, as well as a downloadable SMS resource kit.
Part 139 of CASR empowers the Part 139 Manual of Standards (MOS).
The MOS details the facility requirements and operating standards for aerodromes in Australia.
Guidance for unregulated aerodromes
You can read our advisory publications, which will provide you with guidance to address safety issues.
View our Advisory Circulars (ACs).
If you have any questions on aerodrome safety and emergency planning contact the Guidance Delivery Centre.