Part 61 of CASR Flight Crew Licensing includes flight activity endorsements and design feature endorsements.
These endorsements define the extra knowledge and skills you need to:
- conduct certain flight activities
- fly certain aircraft fitted with different design features safely.
For example, if you want to conduct aerobatics or fly an aircraft with a retractable undercarriage, you must have:
- completed flight training
- been assessed as competent to conduct the flight safely.
Your flight instructor can issue you the endorsements if they assess you as competent against the standards specified in the Part 61 Manual of Standards. You will receive your endorsements once you have completed your training by an authorised flight instructor.
Your instructor will notify us to update your flight crew licence records.
Unless you are receiving training for these endorsements, you must hold the applicable endorsement before:
- conducting the flight activity
- flying an aircraft fitted with a specified design feature.
Design feature endorsements by aircraft category
Aeroplane (A)
- Tailwheel undercarriage
- Retractable undercarriage
- Manual propeller pitch control (piston engine)
- Gas turbine engine
- Multi-engine centre-line thrust
- Pressurisation system
- Floatplane
- Floating hull
- Ski landing gear
Helicopter (H)
- Float alighting gear
- Retractable undercarriage
- Gas turbine engine
Gyroplane (G)
- Retractable undercarriage
- Pressurisation system
- Gas turbine engine
Airship (AS)
- Pressurisation system
- Gas turbine engine
Flight activity endorsements
To conduct an aerobatic or spinning manoeuvre, you need:
- a current class 1 or 2 medical certificate
- the relevant flight activity endorsement.
Alternatively, you need another pilot to accompanying you who:
- holds a current class 1 or 2 medical certificate
- occupies a flight control seat in the aircraft and
- has authorisation to conduct the manoeuvre.
Related endorsements:
- Aerobatics
- Aerobatics (above 1,500 feet)
- Aerobatics (above 1,000 feet)
- Aerobatics (above 500 feet)
- Aerobatics (unlimited)
- Formation flying (aeroplane)
- Formation aerobatics
- Spinning
- Formation flying (helicopter).
Regulations for aircraft design feature and flight activity endorsements
The rules for aircraft design feature and flight activity endorsements are in these sections of Part 61 of CASR Flight crew licensing:
- Division 61.L.4—Design feature endorsements
- Subpart 61.S—Flight activity endorsements