If you hold an Australian Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL), you can get an aeronautical knowledge exam credit for a different aircraft category. All you need to do is pass the subject-part exams for the new category.
You must pass all the required subject-parts within one window.
You don't have to pass common category CPL subject-parts such as Meteorology (CMET), Navigation (CNAV) and Human Factors (CHUF).
This also applies if you hold a full CPL Theory Examination Credit and have passed all 7 CPL Aeroplane (CPLA) or CPL Helicopter (CPLH) subject-part exams within one window.
We do not accept Air Transport Pilot Licence subject passes as an equivalent pass in any CPL subject exam. We also don't recognise flight crew exam credit gained under the licensing system of a foreign aviation regulatory authority.
You can book your exams through Aspeq.
Changing from CPLA to CPLH
If you hold an Australian CPLA licence or a CPLA Theory Examination Credit, you can get your CPLH licence. You must pass these subject-parts within one window:
- CPL Flight Rules and Air Law (Helicopter) (CLWH)
- Operation, Performance and Flight Planning (Helicopter) (CFPH)
- Aircraft General Knowledge (Helicopter) (CSYH)
- Aerodynamics (Helicopter) (CADH)
This gives you your CPLA to CPLH theory credit.
Changing from CPLH to CPLA
If you hold an Australian CPL(H) licence or a CPL(H) Theory Examination Credit, you can get you CPL(A) licence. You must pass these subject-parts within one window:
- Flight Rules & Air Law (Aeroplane) (CLWA)
- Operation, Performance & Flight Planning (Aeroplane) (CFPA)
- CPL Aircraft General Knowledge (Aeroplane) (CSYA)
- Aerodynamics (Aeroplane) (CADA)
This gives you your CPLH to CPLA theory credit.
Notifying CASA
When you finish your exams and want to change the category of your commercial pilot's licence, contact us. This will ensure you have the right theory credit awarded to you.