Knowledge Deficiency Report

When you finish a PEXO exam, the invigilator will give you your Result Advice (RA) and, where appropriate, your Knowledge Deficiency Report (KDR).

A KDR lists items that you answered incorrectly.

You will get a KDR when your result is less than 100% and more than 50%.

If you score 50% or less in your exam, we will refer you to the entire syllabus.

You should keep your RA/KDR and present it to either the Head of Operations (HOO) or Examiner doing your flight test.

The HOO or Examiner, or both, will re-examine you on the topics noted in your KDR comments.

Syllabus items

The number of syllabus items on the KDR shows how many incorrect answers there were.

In some exams, this may not correlate with your published score as some questions carry more marks than others.

KDR without syllabus items

There are two scenarios where a KDR does not have syllabus items:

  • if you scored 100% on your exam
  • if you scored 50% or less on your exam.

We consider someone who scores 50% or less not sufficiently trained or prepared for the exam.

Replacement of KDRs

If you need a replacement KDR, contact us or the organisation which carried out the exam.

If you need a KDR that pre-dates PEXO (24 September 2013), complete report request for flight crew qualifications.

We will send the replacement KDR to your postal address not electronically.

Last updated:
1 Oct 2021
Online version available at:
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