Aviation Safety Advisory Panel enquiries

Use this form if you would like to suggest a topic for ASAP consideration, or would like to make an enquiry about the ASAP or its Technical Working Groups. Your enquiry will go to the ASAP Secretariat team in the Industry Consultation and Government Engagement Section.

What is your enquiry about?

The ASAP provides high-level, strategic aviation safety advice to the Director of Aviation on behalf of the aviation industry.

ASAP is not the industry ombudsman or a mechanism to resolve individual issues.

When making your submissions, please make sure it is appropriate for ASAP.

We have also made previous ASAP meetings available for your reference.

TWGs are specialist sub-groups set up by the ASAP. They are made up of industry experts who provide recommendations on tasks or issues.

If you would like to request additional information on any TWG, please provide us with as much detail as possible so we can best assist you.

If you are looking to join a TWG, register your interest on the consultation forum website.

This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.
Published date:
Online version available at: https://www.casa.gov.au//aviation-safety-advisory-panel-enquiries
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