A first for CASA – symposium on airworthiness of hydrogen and fuel cells for civil aircraft propulsion


CASA's Airworthiness and Engineering Branch is hosting a symposium on airworthiness of hydrogen and fuel cells systems as a primary propulsion for civil aircraft.

The intake of an aircraft engine

The first event of its kind for CASA, this symposium will bring together industry leaders and experts from the aviation community to explore and discuss:

  • regulatory issues and airworthiness challenges associated with the safe use of hydrogen as an energy source (fuel) for civil aircraft propulsion 
  • airworthiness considerations for civil aviation emerging technologies
  • airworthiness challenges of fuel cells systems for civil aircraft use
  • technological and development challenges of hydrogen as fuel source for civil aircraft propulsion
  • what the leading industry experts, who are actively developing fuel cells and hydrogen-based propulsion systems for civil aircraft use, are doing.

The symposium may also be of interest to key government agencies and research organisations, who are actively undertaking policy, research, or development work on civil aircraft propulsion.

Book your spot now.

Online version available at: https://www.casa.gov.au//about-us/news-media-releases-and-speeches/first-casa-symposium-airworthiness-hydrogen-and-fuel-cells-civil-aircraft-propulsion
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