Faster airspace access for drone operators at 6 new locations


Commercial drone operators can now benefit from faster authorisations to fly in controlled airspace at 6 additional airports, including Broome, Cairns, Coffs Harbour, Essendon, Hobart, and Melbourne.

Automated Airspace Authorisations Trial AAAT news article

This expansion of the Automated Airspace Authorisations Trial (AAAT) streamlines access to traditionally restricted areas, enabling efficient and safe operations for eligible participants.

The AAAT, a joint initiative between CASA and Airservices Australia, has already processed more than 1,400 authorisations since May 2021, saving operators significant time and resources.

Chief remote pilots can use a participating CASA-verified drone safety app to apply for near real-time authorisations, supporting innovation and growth in the drone sector.

For eligibility and application instructions, go to automated airspace authorisations.

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