Assessing and reporting runway surface conditions – new rules


To improve runway safety, we are introducing new reporting rules for runway surface conditions based on international standards.

A wet airport taxiway under a cloudy sky

The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has developed a system for assessing and reporting runway surface conditions, known as the Global Reporting Format (GRF). 

The GRF establishes a standard process on how to inspect, assess, report and use wet and contaminated runways. 

It provides better information for pilots to help assess take-off and landing performance and better manage the risk of runway excursions.

The new rules apply to all certified aerodromes in Australia.

Phased transition

There will be a phased transition to the new rules for assessing and reporting runway surface conditions. All certified aerodromes need to implement the new rules by: 

  • 1 August 2024 – controlled aerodromes and certified aerodromes with scheduled Part 121 operations
  • 1 February 2025 – all other certified aerodromes.

Find out more about assessing and reporting runway surface conditions. 

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