Part 66 of CASR Continuing airworthiness aircraft engineer licences and ratings

Rule status


Part 66 of the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations (CASR) set out the rules for aircraft engineer licences and ratings. This includes:

  • the performance of maintenance certification for maintenance carried out on aircraft
  • issuing certificates of release to service for aircraft in relation to maintenance carried out on aircraft.

Legislative instruments

Legislative instruments include exemptions to regulatory requirements in aviation regulations or a Manual of Standards.

Exemptions may apply to a broad range of people.

Instruments related to this part will display in this space or you can view our list of legislative instruments.

2 legislative instruments available

Part 66 Manual of Standards

Non-legislative instruments

Non-legislative instruments apply to a particular person. There are some exemptions to regulatory requirements in aviation regulations or a Manual of Standards listed here.

Non-legislative Instruments related to this part will display in this space or you can view our list of non-legislative instruments.

1 non-legislative instruments available

Guidance material

Advisory material provides advice and guidance to explain particular regulatory requirements of a CASR Part. Guidance material relating to this part will appear in this space or you can view all our guidance material.

26 guidance material available


Acceptable means of compliance and guidance material (AMC/GMs) for Part 66 continuing airworthiness engineer licence ratings.

Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material Version: 7.4

CAAP 42ZV-1 provides information under CAR Regulation 42ZV that requires a certification of registration holder of a class A aircraft, to employ a person to control the maintenance of the aircraft.

Civil Aviation Advisory Publication Version: 1.1

This is our recommended study guide to Part 66 aircraft engineer licence -Module 10 syllabus. The module 10 study guide can be used by people who choose to self-study for a Part 66 aircraft engineer licence.

General Version: 1.0

Advisory Circular AC 66-08 provides information and guidance to current and future holders of a Part 66 aircraft maintenance engineer licence and AMOs, on the privileges of each category of a Part 66 licence.

Advisory Circular Version: 1.3

Advisory Circular AC 66-07 provides Part 66 of the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 (CASR) guidance material pertaining to carrying out practical on course (POC) training and on-the-job training (OJT).

Advisory Circular Version: 1.2

Advisory Circular AC 66-06 provides guidance to New Zealand (NZ) Licensed Aircraft Maintenance Engineers (LAME) seeking a LAME licence in Australia under the terms and conditions of the TTMRA.

Advisory Circular Version: 2.0

Advisory Circular AC 66-05 provides information and guidance on the requirement for the certification of the completion of maintenance. The advice describes the preferred method of complying with regulation 42ZE of Part 4A of CAR.

Advisory Circular Version: 2.1

Advisory Circular AC 66-04 provides CASR Part 66 guidance material relating to the maintenance of aircraft composite structures under CASR Part 145 or CAR Regulation 40 for aircraft previously specified as Group 7.

Advisory Circular Version: 1.0

Advisory Circular AC 66-03 provides guidance and information to personnel preparing and conducting engine ground run training and assessment of trainee competence.

Advisory Circular Version: 3.1

CAAP 104-01 provides information and guidance about the amended provisions of CAO 104.0 and Directions Instrument number Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) 03/15.

Civil Aviation Advisory Publication Version: 2.2

CAAP 50A/B-01 provides guidance about Aircraft Log Books and the development of an alternative to the aircraft log book as described within Sections 3 and 4 of CAO 100.5 - Aircraft Log Books.

Civil Aviation Advisory Publication Version: 2.2

CAAP 43-01 describes a method of complying with the directions specified in the CAR for the issue and use of aircraft maintenance releases and specifically the use of the CASA Form 918.

Civil Aviation Advisory Publication Version: 2.1

CAAP 30-04 provides guidance to applicants when requesting changes or applying for a COA. It details acceptable procedures for CoA holders to maintain their certificates and includes internationally recognised maintenance terminology.

Civil Aviation Advisory Publication Version: 3.0

CAAP 42ZC-02 provides information and guidance about the maintenance requirements for amateur built experimental (ABE) and amateur built aircraft acceptance (ABAA) aircraft.

Civil Aviation Advisory Publication Version: 1.2

CAAP 42ZC-01 details the approved maintenance tasks which may be undertaken by pilots of class B aircraft and the holders of category B1 or category B2 aircraft engineer licences.

Civil Aviation Advisory Publication Version: 4.1

CAAP 42.W-02 provides guidance for completion of CASA Form 1 as an Authorised Release Certificate (ARC) for release to service of an aircraft component (hereafter referred to as ‘item’) after maintenance carried out under CAR.

Civil Aviation Advisory Publication Version: 7.1

CAAP 42V-01 provides guidance and information as to the applicability of SI 1285B with regard to AD/ENG/4 Amdt 7 and the use of CAO 108.8 to satisfy the requirements of SI 1285B.

Civil Aviation Advisory Publication Version: 1.1

CAAP 42.M-01 provides information and guidance on the development, amendments and approvals of a system of maintenance for CASR Part 25 aircraft (transport activity) required by regulation 30 of CAR 1998.

Civil Aviation Advisory Publication Version: 1.1

CAAP 42L-01 provides guidance material to any person developing a system of maintenance for an aircraft in accordance with regulation 42L.

Civil Aviation Advisory Publication Version: 1.1

CAAP 42.B-01 provides information and guidance to support the manufacturer’s maintenance schedule. We recommend that you review the manufacturer’s schedule before using our maintenance schedule as it is generally more appropriate.

Civil Aviation Advisory Publication Version: 2.3

CAAP 41-02 provides guidance on the schedules that must be in force the maintenance of a class B aircraft, including covering the appropriate certification requirements for the completion of maintenance.

Civil Aviation Advisory Publication Version: 1.1

CAAP 39-2 provides information and guidance about the development and approval of a system of maintenance for class A aircrafts under CAR Regulation 39 and the requirements of CAR Regulation 42ZE.

Civil Aviation Advisory Publication Version: 1.1

CAAP 37-01 provides information and guidance on the requirements for developing and seeking approval of an Minimum Equipment Lists (MEL) under CAR 37.

Civil Aviation Advisory Publication Version: 5.1

CAAP 33-02 provides procedures for performing certain types of non-destructive testing of aircraft or aircraft components under the provisions of the CAR.

Civil Aviation Advisory Publication Version: 1.1

CAAP 33-1 provides information on how to apply for the initial issue or renewal of an aircraft welding authority under CAR 33D.

Civil Aviation Advisory Publication Version: 1.0
Last updated date
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