Medical records system

Our medical records system (MRS) makes it easy to apply for and process aviation medicals online. You can now access MRS through the myCASA portal.

Using MRS

Pilots and air traffic controllers can apply online, answer medical questions and pay for:

You can set-up MRS to remember your information. This makes it easier and faster to apply in the future, especially if you use different designated aviation medical examiners (DAMEs).

Please note, we retain your personal information in line with our privacy policy. You'll need to review and update the information you provide before any future medicals.

We are committed to respecting your right to privacy and protecting your personal information.

Learn more about how we collect and secure your personal information.

MRS has a number of interactive features to help you through the process. Some of these features include:

  • following the progress of your application
  • entering your full medical history once with the option to update as needed
  • viewing your medical history and previous test results
  • searching for a DAME near you
  • booking medicals online
  • paying securely online
  • scheduling reminders for your next medical
  • getting your medical faster as DAMEs can print certificates.

DAMEs, designated aviation ophthalmologists, certified optometrists and specialists use MRS for their examinations.

Finding MRS

You can access MRS through myCASA. Log into myCASA and MRS will be one of the options on your homepage.

Find out how to create a myCASA account.

User guides

Help for examiners

Contact us for more support using MRS.

Last updated:
12 Dec 2022
Online version available at:
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