Class 5 medical self-declaration

The Class 5 medical self-declaration allows recreational and private pilots to self-assess and self-declare without requiring a medical assessment.

The pathway is for pilots seeking a recreational pilot's licence (RPL). It is also an entry point for those looking to be able to commence flight training.

The Class 5 medical self-declaration is an alternative to the current Basic Class 2 (BC2) medical certificate and Recreational Aviation Medical Practitioners Certificate (RAMPC).


You must:

  • meet fitness and eligibility requirements
  • complete and pass online training
  • self-declare and operate in accordance with specified operational limitations.

If you are unsure of your health status, visit your health practitioner for advice before applying.

Operational limitations

Operational limitations include:

  • Private operations only.
  • Aircraft certificated maximum take-off weight must be 2000 kg or less.
  • Must only operate under the visual flight rules (day VFR) by day (no IFR, no IMC, no night VFR).
  • Must not operate above 10,000 feet above mean sea level.
  • Must have no more than 2 persons on board.
  • Must not use a CASR Part 61 operational rating. For example, instructor rating or low-level rating. For a complete list, refer to the definitions in CASR 61.010.
  • Must not conduct aerobatics or formation flying.
  • Must operate wholly within Australian territory.

Pilots can access controlled and non-controlled airspace.

Read the explanation for how the operational limitations for the Class 5 medical self-declaration were developed.

Validity period

A Class 5 medical self-declaration will have the following validity periods:

  • Pilots aged between 16 and 39 – a validity period of 5 years.
  • Pilots aged between 40 and 74 – a validity period of 2 years.
  • Pilots aged between 16 and 74 with a conditional private driver’s licence – a validity period of 2 years.
  • Pilots aged 75 years and over – a validity period of 1 year.
  • Any applicant who is required to undergo a driver’s licence medical examination for any reason is required to provide a copy of their driver licence medical examination.


A $10 application fee applies.

How to apply

There are 2 steps to apply for a Class 5 medical self-declaration

  1. Online training

    You must successfully complete the Class 5 medical self-declaration online knowledge module on CASA’s eLearning platform.

    • Log into myCASA
    • Navigate to ‘AviationWorx’
    • Click on ‘goals catalogue’ on the left hand side
    • Select ‘Class 5 medical self-declaration’.
  2. Application

    1. Log back in to myCASA portal.
    2. Select Aviation Medicals – Medical Records System (MRS)
    3. Select Class 5 medical self-declaration
    4. Complete the questions
    5. Certify that you have met the requirements using the Guidelines – Medical Assessment for Aviation
    6. Complete the declaration and consent
    7. Pay the fee and submit your application.

    Note: If you are uncertain about your health status, please seek advice from your health practitioner before applying.

BC2 or RAMPC holders

If you hold a Basis Class 2 (BC2) medical certificate or a recreational aviation medical practitioner certificate (RAMPC), you can either:

  • renew your existing medical certificate
  • choose to replace it with a Class 5 medical self-declaration if you meet the eligibility criteria.

The benefits of transitioning to a Class 5 medical self-declaration are:

  • Cost saving - you don’t have to see a GP/DAME
  • Time saving – you can apply online in your own time and receive certification practically the same day
  • RAMPC holders can utilise a higher maximum take-off weight.

International comparison tables

Table 1a – Australian certificates, medical
MedicalCASA Class 5 medical self-declarationRAAusBasic Class 2RAMPC

Never had a CASA Class 1, 2 or 3 cancelled or refused.

Never had a driver’s license cancelled or refused for medical reasons.

Does not have any of the listed excluded conditions.

Has completed mandatory online knowledge check.

Any.Not eligible if previously had a CASA Class 1, 2 or 3 medical certificate suspended or cancelled.Any.
Doctor involvement

Not required.

Recommended that advice be sought per Guidelines – Medical Assessment for Aviation

Not required, except:

  • At age 75, and if any of the listed medical conditions, and if instructing.
Examination by any medical practitioner.Examination by any medical practitioner.
Processes and forms

Pilot completes declaration.

Confirms no excluded conditions.

Have referred to and followed medical guidance.

Are eligible as above.

Record of Class 5 medical self-declaration is provided by CASA.

Self-declaration - RAAus Medical Declaration (Form MED002)


Exam (GP) for certain listed medical conditions (form MED 001)


Exam (GP) for instructors (Form MED003) – Commercial Driver License Standard.

Pilot submits the declaration form and doctors form (if needed) with their BFR (every 2 years). No certificate issued.

Pilot downloads the form (pilot questions, doctor questions, doctor examination – Form 1743, 1474, 1475).

Doctor completes paper forms and signs.

Pilot completes declaration in MRS.

CASA issues the exemption from holding a Class 2 medical certificate.

Pilot downloads the form (pilot questions, doctor questions, doctor examination).

Doctor and pilot complete paper form (Form 166).

Doctor issues the certificate.


Guidance material only.


AFTD private driver's license.

AFTD commercial driver’s license for instructors.

Austroads medical standards (unconditional) for commercial motor vehicle drivers (excludes glasses and hearing aids)."Modified Austroads Standard" - Austroads medical standards (unconditional) for private motor vehicle drivers with some additional CASA disqualifying criteria.
Excluded conditionsDiseases causing impaired capacity to declare (dementia, psychosis etc), or diseases with unpredictable and unheralded incapacity (seizures etc). Listed on the class 5 medical self-declaration form and in Guidelines - Medical Assessment for AviationNone specified.None specifically.Listed on RAMPC Form.
Validity period

Ages 16-39: 5 years

Ages 40-74: 2 years

Ages 16- 74 who hold a conditional private driver’s licence: 2 years

Aged 75+: Every year.

Every 2 years.



  • Under 65 years: 2 years
  • Over 65: Every year
Table 1b – Australian certificates, operational
ParameterCASA Class 5 medical self-declarationRAAusBasic Class 2RAMPC
MTOM/MTOW2000 kg

600/650 kg (water/non water).

Up to 760 kg on application.

<8618 kg1500 kg


2 (pilot + 1 pax) only with pax endorsement.

6 (1 pilot + 5 pax).2 (pilot + 1 pax).
Aircraft typeNot specified (NS)

2 seats.

3-axis, weight shift, powered parachutes.

Piston engine only.Single engine piston.
VFR/IFR/Day/NightDay VFR onlyDay VFR onlyDay VFRDay VFR
Operational ratings/flight activity endorsements

No aerobatics

No formation

No low-level rating

No instructor rating

Formation with endorsement.

Low level with endorsement

No operational ratings.

No flight activity endorsements.

No aerobatics
Altitude10,000 ft10,000 ft (not below 500 ft)10,000 ft10,000 ft
AirspaceNo limitationNot applicableNo limitationNo limitation
Other authorisations


These restrictions do not apply if a qualified pilot in the control seat has a valid Class 1 or Class 2 medical certificate.

Cross-country, radio operations, glider towing, tail wheel, 2-stroke, adjustable propellor, retractable undercarriage, floats, utility with endorsement.These restrictions do not apply if a qualified pilot in the control seat has a valid Class 1 or Class 2 medical certificate.

The airspace, passenger and aerobatic restrictions do not apply if the pilot in a control seat:

  • is suitably qualified
  • aerobatic flight endorsed (if relevant)
  • has a valid Class 1 or Class 2 medical certificate.
Table 2a – International certificates, medical
ParameterUK PMD-2000UK LAPL-MedCanada Cat 4NZ DL-9US BasicMed

Must already have a license (and medical certificate).

Not taking medication for any psychiatric illness.

Any.Never been refused on medical grounds a motor vehicle license, aviation permit, or life insurance.Any.Must hold a valid state driver’s license and have held FAA medical cert since 2006 (not suspended or revoked).
Doctor involvement

Not required.

(Doctor involved in initial medical assessment to be eligible for subsequent pilot medical declaration (PMD)).1

Required for every certificate.

Mandatory reporting by app to DVLA where the DL standard is not met (and doctor authorised to report).

Required for every certificate.

Not mandatory medical may be conducted by medical practitioners, nurse practitioners or registered nurses.

App must notify medical professional that the DL9 will be used for flying.

Mandatory reporting by medical practitioners, nurse practitioners or registered nurses to CAA NZ and NZTA/Waka Kotahi.

Required for every certificate.
Processes and formsPilot completes affirmation of their reasonable belief that they meet the requirements for a DVLA car license.2Doctor issuing certificate must be a GP. Medical examination if aged over 50 years and for first light aircraft pilot licence (LAPL) application. AME review for medical conditions; See GP guidance.Physician attestation that the pilot’s medical declaration is accurate.Comprehensive clinical examination (NZTA guidance. DL9 form completed.

State-registered medical practitioner completes form 8700, plus any state driving license medical requirements. Comprehensive Medical Examination Checklist.

Supply 3 years of medical records.

Medical standardDVLA Group 1 (car).LAPL medical conditions.Physicians are referred to Handbook for CAME.NZTA Driver License Class 2 (2,3,4,5) = Commercial with Passenger endorsement.Have previously held FAA Class 3 (PPL) medical. Physicians are referred to FAA Class 3 (PPL) standards.
Excluded conditionsMedication for a psychiatric illness.3Extensive list requiring AME review.Never suffered from any of the listed medication conditions.Must declare any medical conditions that may affect your ability to drive safely.Require special issuance if following list of medical conditions.
Validity PeriodValid to age 70 unless a reason to withdraw the declaration or DVLA restriction. Every 3 years after age 70.Every 5 years under age 40 (to 42nd birthday); every 2 years from age 40.Every 5 years.Every 5 years up to age 40, every 2 years from 40+.Every 4 years with doctor, every 2 years for BasicMed medical training course.
Table 2b – International certificates, operational
ParameterUK PMD-2000UK LAPL-MedCanada Cat 4NZ DL-9US BasicMed
MTOM/MTOW2000 kg42000 kgNS2730 kg6000 lb (2721 kg).
POB4 (pilot + 3 pax)4 (pilot + 3 pax)2 (pilot + 1 pax)6 (pilot + 5 pax) unless aeros (solo).6 (pilot + 5 others).
Aircraft typePart 21 and non-Part 21.Single engine piston land, A or H, or touring motor glider.

Glider, ultralight or recreational aeroplane (land or sea), single engine, non-high-performance.

4 seats or less.

Aeroplane and helicopter. No gliding (must have a Class 2).No more than 6 occupants.
Power/speedNot specified (NS)NSNSNS250 KIAS
VFR/IFR/Day/NightVMC; IMC for PPL(A); night rating if colour normal; no IR.VMC; IMC for PPL(A); night rating if colour normal; no IRDay VFR.

Night only within 25 nm of a lit aerodrome.


VFR and IFR.
Operational ratings/flight activity endorsementsNSNSNot permitted except for float rating.Aerobatics only solo above 3000 ft.NS
AltitudeNSNSNS25000 ft AMSL18000 ft AMSL
AirspaceNSNSNot in controlled areasPermitted in controlled areas if radio contact maintained OR has passed the colour vision test.NS
Other authorisationsNSNSNSCross county and helicopter sling loads if flight training completed. Banner and drogue tow only above 500 ft. Parachuting not above 10000 ft. Glider towing only under control of a gliding organisation or adventure aviation operator.Not for instructing.


1Doctor involvement: As needed: AME for PMD, other doctors as required for driver and vehicle licensing agency (DVLA), and initial certificate. Mandatory reporting by app to DVLA where the DL standard is not met (and doctor authorised to report).

2Processes and forms: PMD requires affirmation by pilot of reasonable belief that they meet the DVLA Group 1 (car) license standard, and if any of the listed medical conditions apply (or if unsure), pilot must consult with an AME.

3Excluded conditions: Extensive list requiring AME review.

4MTOM/MTOW: 5700 kg.

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Last updated:
11 Jul 2024
Online version available at:
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