New user-friendly guide available for helicopter pilots


Our Civil Aviation Safety Regulation Part 61 flight crew licensing (helicopter category) guide is out now – the latest addition to our catalogue of guidance material.

The cover and interior of the Part 61 Guide for Helicopter Flight Crew Licensing

This new plain English guide is designed for helicopter pilots, flight training providers, aerial work operators and air transport operators.

The guide brings together the regulations, manual of standards, exemptions, instruments and other guidance into a single publication.

As with our Part 61 guide for aeroplanes, we’re keen to hear feedback about whether the publication hits the mark for users, as well as ideas for improvement in future versions.

Before we move to print, we also want to ensure we’ve captured everything accurately and addressed any potential gaps or oversights.

The guide is designed to save people in the aviation community from having to search through regulations and standards for the information they need.

These plain English guides simplify the rules and requirements, making them more accessible than traditional legal language. By consolidating everything from regulations to exemptions and instruments into one document, we hope to make it easier for helicopter pilots to understand what they can and can’t do.

The guide provides helicopter category flight crew licensing information to help you:

  • understand the purposes, functions and key concepts of licensing
  • apply for a pilot licence, rating and endorsement
  • understand the privileges and limitations of Part 61 licences, ratings and endorsements
  • understand circumstances relating to other licences, ratings or endorsements, such as overseas and Australian Defence Force (ADF) recognition, aircraft radio operation and flying without a rating or endorsement.

You can download the guide from our website now. Print editions will be available to order later this year. 

To provide your feedback on the Part 61 flight crew licensing (helicopters) guide, or any of our plain English guides, simply complete our online form

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