Have your say on guidance for protecting pilots from accidental laser emissions


We are consulting on a draft advisory circular (AC) that provides guidance for aerodrome operators and light show operators on how to effectively manage risks to aircraft when planning laser shows.

A laser display with people dancing in the foreground

Lasers and high-intensity lights, like sky trackers, pose a serious risk to pilots that can result in difficulties flying and impaired vision. With laser light displays becoming more common, it is important that pilots are protected against accidental laser beam strikes.

The draft AC provides guidance on:

  • hazards associated with laser emissions
  • mitigating the risk of laser emissions
  • establishing protected flight areas
  • evaluating laser emission hazards
  • notifying pilots of laser emission hazards

Provide your feedback on the Consultation hub before 10 November 2024.

Online version available at: https://www.casa.gov.au//about-us/news-media-releases-and-speeches/have-your-say-guidance-protecting-pilots-accidental-laser-emissions
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