Renew a medical certificate

You must renew your medical certificate if you wish to maintain your licence privileges.

Follow these steps in the process to renew your medical certificate. This helps to reduce delays in assessing your application.

The Medical Records System (MRS) will email you a reminder when your next renewal is due. You should also put a reminder in your calendar. This will ensure you have enough time to get organised.

Also see our pages on the medical certification process and additional medical tests for pilots and air traffic controllers.

The steps to prepare for your next medical

Follow these steps to prepare for and book your next medical.

  1. Keep your records up to date

    Keep up-to-date records and know what tests you need.

    This will help to make your medical certificate renewal as smooth as possible.

  2. Know what regular tests you need

    Find out which regular test reports you need. You should:

  3. Know what additional tests or reports you need

    Stay on top of any additional tests or reports you need by:

    • keeping any specialist reports that we requested in previous emails
    • keeping our letters or emails that state the medical tests or reports you need for your next renewal.
  4. Keep all your medical records

    Keep a copy of any medical checks, treatments or medications prescribed since your last examination. You will need to bring these to your medical examination.

    If your contact details in MRS are current, the system will send you an email to say when your next renewal is due.

  5. Organise your medical

    Once you have all medical reports, or within 28 days of your medical certificate expiry, you should:

    • complete your applicant medical history in MRS
    • make an appointment with your DAME.

    To maintain your anniversary date, see your DAME within 28 days of your medical's expiry date. If you see your DAME outside of the 28 days, your new expiry date will be the date you saw your DAME.

    Medical practitioners and DAMEs can assess for Basic Class 2.

    Some DAMEs can assess and provide a medical certificate for certain Class 2 applications. These are called DAME2 assessors.

    DAMEs may not be able to assess your renewal if you have excluded medical problems or certain conditions on your medical certificate. In this case, we must assess your renewal. View the exclusions list in Chapter 12.3 of the DAME Handbook.

    We assess all other renewal applications for:

    • Class 1 and 2
    • Class 3
    • Class 2 and 3.
  6. Prepare for your medical examination

    For a complete and accurate examination, make sure that you compile and take:

    • all your test results and reports
    • notes of any medical consultations, treatments or prescribed medications since your last examination
    • standby spectacles (if you require glasses or contact lenses to fly).

    At your medical examination, you must answer all questions correctly and completely. If there were parts of your medical history in MRS that you were unsure about, clarify these with your DAME during your appointment.

The steps after your medical

  1. Arrange your other tests and reports

    If you need any others tests or reports, you must complete these before we can assess your application.

    As soon as possible after your medical you should:

    • arrange any additional medical tests or assessments required by your DAME
    • if required, see your DAME again taking the test results or reports with you.
  2. Submit your application

    Once your assessment is complete, your DAME will submit your application to us. You will receive an SMS once the application has been successfully submitted.

    The DAME will submit your application, and copies of your medical reports, into MRS.

  3. We assess your application

    Once CASA have received your completed application and associated reports , we can begin to assess your application.

    We will determine if your medical certificate can be issued, or if we require more information or tests.

    Provide any further information or test results we request as soon as possible. This helps ensure the timely completion of your application,

    In routine cases we aim to complete the assessment within 20 business days.

  4. We issue your certificate

    If we approve your application, we will issue your certificate. It may have conditions or endorsements on it.

    You should keep a record of any advice we provide about:

    • conditions on your medical certificate
    • medical reports required during currency of this certificate
    • medical reports you will need for future certification.
Last updated:
4 Dec 2021
Online version available at:
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