Submitting significant and non-significant changes

There may be times when you need to notify us of changes to your operations manual or exposition. You must notify the type of change and whether they are either a:

  • significant change
  • non-significant change.

You can submit a non-significant change for the following parts through myCASA:

  • Part 141
  • Part 142
  • Part 145
  • Part 42
  • Part 138
  • ReOC (Part 101 MOS).

Significant change

The definition of what is considered a significant change depends on the Part. You can find a list of significant changes in the relevant legislation. While these changes are not the same across the different legislation, there are some common significant changes across legislation. These can include:

  • changes to operational locations
  • changes to organisational structure
  • other changes that do not maintain or improve, or are not likely to maintain or improve, aviation safety.

Approval of a significant change is chargeable under the Civil Aviation (Fees) Regulations 1995. You will receive an estimate of costs from us to assess these changes.

Use the following forms to apply for a significant change:

Non-significant change

A non-significant change is any other change that doesn’t fall into the definition of a significant change. This can vary based on each rule and each operator.

Non-significant changes are not chargeable items under the Civil Aviation (Fees) Regulations 1995 and you will not receive an estimate for these changes. However, administrative costs apply if you require your certificate to be re-issued.

If you choose not to submit your non-significant changes through the myCASA portal, use the following forms to notify us of your non-significant changes:

Forms not available in myCASA

The following Parts are currently not available for non-significant change submission through myCASA portal:

Part definitions for significant changes

You can find a list of significant changes and their definitions in the legislation. Parts where you are required to submit a significant change include:

Last updated:
30 Jun 2023
Online version available at:
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