Medical reports and case reviews

Aerospace medicine professionals must write and submit medical reports. These are part of the roles and responsibilities of:

  • designated aviation medical examiners (DAMEs)
  • designated aviation ophthalmologists (DAOs).

Resources for writing medical reports

When writing a report, you should use the:

Writing a medical report

To help us accurately review each case, do not use vague descriptive terms in reports. Expressions such as 'brief', 'infrequent', 'mild', 'some', or similar terms, convey no meaningful information.

When writing reports we recommend the ‘8W’ mnemonic:

  • What 1: What happened? (For example, detailed signs and symptoms that led to the consultation and/or procedure performed).
  • What 2: What were the sequelae?
  • When 1: What were the dates and frequency?
  • Where: What body part was affected? (For example, left or right, upper arm or forearm).
  • Why: Why was a procedure performed?
  • Who: Who was involved? (For example, who carried out a procedure/made an assessment/is undertaking follow-up).
  • What 3: What is the prognosis?
  • When 2: When and at what frequency is follow-up planned?

Where specialist opinions are requested, ask these questions in the referral letter.

Case review process

Once we receive all necessary information, we will consider the full case details.

Our Complex Case Management (CCM) panel of aviation medicine practitioners may review certain cases.

When appropriate, the CCM panel may request additional advice or reviews. We may also bring clinical or other specialists onto the panel, as required.

Once we have made a decision, we will notify the applicant of the result.

Also see our page for applicants on complaints and objections to a medical decision.

Last updated:
30 Nov 2021
Online version available at:
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