Report a change of a medical condition

If you have a medically significant condition that impairs your ability to perform the duties authorised by your licence, you must ground yourself and report the condition to us.

Common medical ailments excluded

These reporting requirements don’t apply for common medical ailments including:

  • influenza, coryza (irritation and inflammation of the mucous membrane inside the nose) or other upper respiratory tract infection
  • coughs without wheezing
  • sinusitis
  • occasional, mild headaches
  • uncomplicated urinary tract infections
  • gastroenteritis
  • uncomplicated haemorrhoid(s) if not bleeding and requiring only symptomatic treatment
  • mild allergic rhinitis without nasal blockage and the need for antihistamines
  • minor soft tissue injuries without residual pain
  • muscular pain of short duration not requiring long-term medication and not related to any significant underlying chronic illness.

If you aren’t sure whether you should report your condition to us, check with your designated aviation medical examiner (DAME) or designated aviation ophthalmologist (DAO).

If you have a medically significant condition

If you have a medically significant condition you must:

  • ground yourself while the condition is present
  • notify your DAME if the condition lasts longer than 7 days (Class 1) or 30 days (Classes 2, Basic Class 2 or Class 3) – and you can also notify CASA AvMed directly
  • provide your DAME with any medical reports about the condition
  • stay grounded until your DAME or CASA AvMed certify that you can continue your licensed duties.

Your DAME will notify us (if you haven’t already) and provide the relevant information about your condition.

We will assess the severity of your condition. If the condition isn’t considered serious, we will ask your DAME to give you a certificate that reinstates the privileges of your licence.

If we consider that your condition is a serious risk

If we decide that your condition is serious, we’ll notify you in writing. We’ll request further information to help us assess the situation, such as specialist reports. Once we receive this information, we’ll review it and advise you and your DAME.

While we are investigating the situation, you should:

  • remain grounded and let your DAME know of any changes to your condition
  • book any specialist tests or reviews that we request and a follow-up appointment with your DAME
  • make sure that your DAME and any specialists read the letter that we send to you
  • provide copies of any specialist reports to your DAME (or you can send them to us directly).

Your DAME will provide us with an assessment of your medical condition along with the required specialist reports (if you haven’t sent these to us directly).

Once we complete our review, we will determine the reinstatement of the privileges of your licence or take alternative action.

Last updated:
4 Dec 2021
Online version available at:
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