Complaints and objection to medical decision

There are 2 pathways if you want to complain or object to a medical decision. The pathway depends on the reason for your complaint or objection. They include the:

  • administration pathway: if you are not happy with how CASA managed your case
  • decision pathway: if you are not happy with the decision.

You could also consider our clinical case conference panel. This is an informal meeting to help you understand how we make aviation medicine decisions. You can apply at any stage.

Administration pathway

If you're not happy with how CASA managed your case, you can follow the administration pathway.

For example, if you:

  • aren't happy with the way our staff dealt with you by phone or email
  • don't agree with our request for extra reports or results
  • disagree about doing extra tests or seeing specialists
  • feel we delayed your certificate.

Industry complaints commissioner

Through the administration pathway, you can first submit your complaint or objection to the Industry Complaints Commissioner (ICC).

Also see the Industry complaints handling policy.

Commonwealth Ombudsmen

If you aren't satisfied with the ICCs decision and wish to pursue it further, the next step is to complain to the Commonwealth Ombudsmen.

Decision pathway

If you're not happy with a decision CASA made, you can complain or object through the decision pathway.

For example, if you:

  • believe we made an incorrect decision 
  • feel the conditions applied to your certificate are harsh
  • believe we incorrectly applied a medical standard to your case
  • object to the cancellation or suspension of your medical certificate.

Request reconsideration

If you disagree with a decision, you can request that we reconsider your certification. This applies if we have:

  • refused your medical certificate
  • placed unwanted conditions on your certificate.

Reconsideration is a formal process of decision making led by a doctor who is different to the one who made the initial decision. As part of this process, we submit your case to a special panel of doctors who will reconsider the request. The panel will review your case especially if there was only one CASA doctor who made the initial decision. 

We also ask an external consultant to provide expert advice if the original decision was formerly referred to CASA’s Complex Case Management panel.

It's important to note that you must request a reconsideration within 21 days of the date you were notified of the decision. It also has a $150 processing fee. This covers the cost of your review. 

The assessment period for a reconsideration is 10 to 12 weeks. This allows us to seek external opinions, if required.

There is no guarantee that the new decision will be any different from the initial decision.

You can find more information about reconsideration in the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations (CASR) Part 67.190.

You must complete a request for reconsideration online in our Medical Records System (MRS) now inside myCASA .

Submit a new application

You can submit a new application.

In this case, your new application must contain new medical information. You can't resubmit the same application as before.

Review by Administrative Appeals Tribunal

Anyone affected by a decision made by CASA can apply to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) for a review. This must be within 28 days from the date that you received notification of the decision.

The AAT is independent of CASA and has the power to review the decision. 

If it determines that the decision was wrong, it can vary or overturn it.

The AAT contains step-by-step information including:

Last updated:
12 Dec 2022
Online version available at:
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