Perth procedures overview

Jandakot Class D airspace is unique as it abuts Perth CTR to the north, has Class G airspace to the west, south and east, and has Class C airspace directly above its upper limit of 1,500 ft. Jandakot Airport hosts a number of aeroplane and helicopter flying schools and, as a result, the circuit and Class G airspace surrounding Jandakot are often very busy.

Training flights regularly transit to, and operate in, the training area to the south (D104C). Know your procedures for safe flight through these areas. If departing Jandakot and planning to enter Perth Class C airspace, see the procedures listed later in this document. If you call for a clearance without having lodged a flight plan, it could lead to delays.

At Jandakot, you share the airspace with a diverse mix of traffic and pilot experience. If in any doubt about local procedures, unfamiliar or uncurrent pilots should study this guide carefully and/or call a local operator or ATC for advice. Helicopters operate routinely in the Perth/Jandakot area. Lifesaver helicopters are active in the warmer months with low-level coastal patrols a few times each day.

Local helicopter operations have 2 HLS areas on Jandakot Airfield as well as a helicopter training area within the airfield bounds. Details can be found later in this document as well as in ERSA. In all these situations, clear, concise and correct communication is the key to safe operations in this busy airspace. Study and know your procedures.

Published date: 12 July 2022
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