As an independent Commonwealth statutory authority, we are responsible for regulating the safety of civil aviation in Australia.
The legislative framework we operate under governs the functions we perform and the services we provide to the aviation community and public. These help to enable the continuing safe operation of the aviation community and include:
- general and technical enquiries
- applications for permissions
- certifications
- licensing and registration.
This charter describes what you can expect from us. It also describes how you, as the client, can assist us to deliver a professional, reliable, and consistent client service and experience.
Our commitment to you
We recognise our services are critical to your safe participation in the aviation sector and can directly affect your ability to achieve personal and commercial outcomes. We have a commitment to providing you with responsive and professional services in line with our service delivery standards.
Our staff
To provide you with excellent service, we will ensure our staff:
- are trained and well supported
- have the required qualifications, capability, and experience
- are committed to understanding your needs and concerns
- are aware of their responsibilities, accountability, and impact
- have practical up-to-date knowledge of policy, regulation, procedures, and processes
- ensure we adhere to privacy and confidentiality, legislation and guidelines.
We embrace and encourage a 'Just Culture'. This means we do not punish our staff for actions, omissions or decisions that reflect their experience, qualifications, and training. Although, we do not tolerate acts of gross negligence, recklessness, wilful violations, and destructive acts.
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What you can expect from us
We are continuously improving our client-focused service:
- Accessible: we will provide accessible, easy to use channels for you to securely access our services and your information.
- Accountable: we will inform you of your rights and obligations and be transparent about our processes, service delivery performance and decision making.
- Responsive and reliable: we will strive to respond to your requests promptly. We will make sure you get the right help and get back to you when we say we will.
- Respectful: we will treat you with courtesy and respect and act in accordance with our code of conduct and our values.
- Ethical: we will act with impartiality, integrity, and consistency whilst exercising procedural fairness.
- Reasonable: we will take a balanced, risk-based approach informed by safety.
- Clear: we will use clear and concise, plain English language and concepts wherever possible and provide reasons for our decisions.
- Confidential: we respect your privacy and will keep your information confidential unless authorised to disclose by law.
- Secure: we will ensure your data and information is secure and safe.
Recognising our impact on the aviation community, we understand the importance of engaging with you when developing services, policy and legislation. We will engage with our aviation community whenever possible.
Your commitment to us and how you can help
To ensure we can effectively meet your needs, we kindly ask that you are consistently:
- responsive: provide timely and accurate responses to requests for information
- truthful: provide correct information, all relevant facts and circumstance
- collaborative: work constructively to resolve any issues, concerns, and problems
- respectful: treat our staff with the same courtesy and respect we are expected to give you
- informed: review available advisory material and information prior to making an application or inquiry
- accurate: complete applications carefully and fully. Ensure you submit quality. documentation including fee payment required to support your application
- accountable: meet your responsibilities under aviation legislation and be responsible for providing complete and correct information, even if through a third party.
Our hours of operation
Our business days and hours of contact are between 8:30 am to 5:00 pm (AEST and AEDST). This excludes:
- weekends
- national public holidays (observed by all States and Territories)
- annual Christmas shut down period published on the CASA website in the month of December.
Services available through the myCASA online portal are available 24 hours/7 days a week excluding scheduled maintenance or unforeseen interruptions. Online submissions which are not fully automated, requiring manual assessment, will be subject to normal business days and service delivery standards.
Our charges
We are required by law to recover a portion of our costs. This cost recovery is for providing various services related to licences, medicals, aircraft registration and operating certificates.
Where fees or charges apply to a service, we cannot commence any work unless payment arrangements of the applicable fee or charge are finalised. Refer to our fees and charges for more information including refunds.
Our performance
We are continuously reviewing our regulatory service processes and associated performance indicators to further improve. We will publish more service delivery statistics to complement our existing suite of information as they become available. This reflects our commitment to accountability and transparency.
Our commitment to your privacy
We are committed to respecting your right to privacy and protecting your personal information. We are bound by the Privacy Act 1988 including the Australian Privacy Principles – please refer to our Privacy Statement.
Our staff must respect your privacy in accordance with our standards, policies and procedures. We collect information that is necessary and directly related to our functions and responsibilities. We may collect additional information in support of enhancing our interaction with you and to improve our services.
Freedom of Information
The Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) gives the public a general right of access to documents held by us. Under the FOI Act, you have a legal right to obtain copies of documents we hold through a Freedom of information request.
We can refuse access to some documents, or parts of documents, that are exempt documents. Exempt documents may include documents containing material obtained in confidence or documents that would involve the unreasonable disclosure of personal information.
Our feedback and complaints process
We welcome your constructive feedback, including what you believe we can improve on and what you think we have done well. By informing us of what we got right helps with continuous improvement and enables us to reinforce a positive customer service culture.
If you are dissatisfied with the way we have dealt with you or your request, you can Make a Complaint through the Industry Complaints Commissioner (ICC). The role of the ICC is to provide a free and independent way to make a complaint about us.