Under the Freedom of Information Act 1982, we publish a list of documents we’ve released in response to freedom of information (FOI) requests. These are published within 10 days of releasing them.
The list doesn't include documents with personal or business information if it’s 'unreasonable' to publish that information.
Requesting documents and information
To request access to documents in our disclosure log, you can use our FOI request form or write to:
Freedom of Information Officer
Civil Aviation Safety Authority
GPO Box 2005
Canberra ACT 2601
Disclosure log
Below are lists of documents we have released, ordered by year of request.
Showing 1 - 50 of 178 results
Title | Published date | Summary |
F25/374 - CASR Part 43 and ICAO Annex 6 | Documents, emails, diary notes or minutes from the Part 43 team, internal advice from CASA members not part of the CASR Part 43 team, minutes of TWG meetings, that reflect discussion on the matter and a change in opinion by CASA of the need to notify ICAO. Partial release - ss 22 and 42 | |
F24/42511 - Skyfox CA-25N Aircraft Flight Manual | The most recent revision of the Skyfox CA-25N aircraft flight manual. | |
Instruments pursuant to CASR 91.385(1)(b)(i) | All signed instruments giving directions pursuant to CASR 91.385(1)(b)(i) and all documents containing recommendations or safety cases or risk analyses relevant to the giving of the directions the subject of those instruments. Partial Release - s47F | |
Surveillance and Safety Reports for N619SW (Boeing 737-3H4) | 1. Surveillance reports and other relevant safety observation documents from 2018 - present concerning the aircraft registered N619SW (model BOEING 737-3H4). 2. CASA reports detailing reviews of discrete AOC arrangements since 2018 Partial Release - ss 22 & 47F | |
Assessment and Granting of AOC for Magpec Airborne Surveys or Magspec Aviation | Documents pertaining to the assessment of and granting of air operator certificates (AOCs) for MAGSPEC AIRBORNE SURVEYS PTY LTD (ACN 163 217 230) or MAGSPEC AVIATION PTY LTD (ACN 614 848 896) Partial Release - s47F | |
Documents linked to Wing drone delivery services | Documents linked to drone delivery services. The services are noted at this address: https://www.casa.gov.au/drones/industry-initiatives/drone-delivery-serv…. That page notes” “We have also permitted Wing to operate in closer proximity to a person than our regulations normally permit.”. Specifically, I am seeking: a. Emails and correspondence about allowing Wing to operate in closer proximity to people than the regulations around drone operation normally permit.I advise I am not interested in duplicate copies of documents or documents that have already been publicly released or media releases, media articles or media statements. I am not seeking the personal contact details of any staff, or the names of staff below executive level and am happy for these to be redacted.I would also like advice if the information I have sought is due to be released under FOI to individuals or organisations prior to finalisation of my FOI application. Partial Release - ss 22 & 47F | |
Documents linked to Swoop Aero drone delivery services | Documents linked to drone delivery services. The services are noted at this address: https://www.casa.gov.au/drones/industry-initiatives/drone-delivery-serv…. Specifically, I am seeking: a. The ‘safety case’ put forward by Swoop Aero.I advise I am not interested in duplicate copies of documents or documents that have already been publicly released or media releases, media articles or media statements. I am not seeking the personal contact details of any staff, or the names of staff below executive level and am happy for these to be redacted.I would also like advice if the information I have sought is due to be released under FOI to individuals or organisations prior to finalisation of my FOI application. Partial Release - ss 22 & 47F | |
Documents linked to Wing Aviation drone delivery services | Documents linked to drone delivery services. The services are noted at this address: https://www.casa.gov.au/drones/industry-initiatives/drone-delivery-serv…. Specifically, I am seeking: a. The ‘safety case’ put forward by Wing Aviation. I advise I am not interested in duplicate copies of documents or documents that have already been publicly released or media releases, media articles or media statements. I am not seeking the personal contact details of any staff, or the names of staff below executive level and am happy for these to be redacted.I would also like advice if the information I have sought is due to be released under FOI to individuals or organisations prior to finalisation of my FOI application. Partial Release - ss 22 & 47F | |
Documents in relation to "EI-02837" | Any/All documents in relation to "EI-02837". Partial Release - s47C | |
Documents relating to disabled travellers and assistance animals/service dogs | All documents related to disabled travellers and assistance animals/service dogs. Full Release | |
Briefing material for the spinning flight activity endorsement of Phil Unicomb Aviation | A copy of the briefing material for the spinning flight activity endorsement of Phil Unicomb Aviation regarding flight activity endorsement standard FAE-8 pursuant to section 6 of schedule 2 of the Part 61 Manual of Standards Instrument 2014 (Cth) authorised by the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 (Cth). Full Release | |
CASA's alcohol and other drugs testing program for 2022-23 and 2023-24 | A list of the results from CASA's alcohol and other drugs testing program. For the years 2022-23 and 2023-24, I am seeking lists of how many tests were conducted (fine if alcohol and drug test lists are separate), and a list of the positive results returned for each test type. I understand this may include personal data, so I am ok if names need to be anonymised, however I am requesting that information regarding the employers/airlines of pilots who tested positive remain visible in the final documents Partial Release - ss 22 & 47G | |
Surveillance and Safety Reports for N134CG | Surveillance Reports and other relevant safety observation documents from 2018 - present concerning the aircraft registered N134CG Partial Release - ss 22 & 47F | |
Documents held by CASA for Tiger MOTH aircraft, VH-UYQ | Certificate of registration and other historical information held by CASA for Tiger MOTH aircraft, VH-UYQ, construction number 3623, imported to Australia from the United Kingdom in 1937. Full Release - s22 | |
Documents Produced by Aeronautical Engineers Australia (NOVA systems) for the G73 Mallards operated by Paspaley Pearling Company. | Any and all documents (engineering orders, engineering drawings, stress and fatigue modelling and reports) which were produced by Aeronautical Engineers Australia (NOVA systems) during the gas turbine conversion and gross weight increase for the G73 Mallards operated by Paspaley Pearling Company. Full Release | |
CASA Documents relating to the death of Paul Whyte | I seek access to any internal documents and correspondence concerning the death of Paul Whyte off the coast of Byron Bay in March 2016 in a Cessna 172, and subsequent correspondence with Qantas relating to Whyte's death or mental health more generally. Date range: 1/3/2016 to 15/7/2024. Full Release | |
Flight test report for MECIR from 2022 | Flight test report for MECIR, from 2022. Full Release | |
Removal of CASA FOI Disclosure Log Hyperlinks | All emails and other internal correspondence, meeting minutes or other notes taken, relating to the decision to remove, and the implementation of the decision to remove, from the CASA FOI Disclosure Log, hyperlinks to copies of documents disclosed by CASA pursuant to the FOI Act. Partial Release - s47F | |
Complaint to CASA relating to Europa aircraft crash at Riddels Creek in September 2023 | All emails, texts, notes, meeting notes, etc related to my complaint to CASA relating to Europa aircraft crash in Sep 2023 at Riddels Creek Victoria and subsequent CASA investigation, as below. Report relating to Europa at Riddels Creek Sep 2023. Sport acknowledges receipt of your email and your equest for information. CASA’s review of the information provided by you was undertaken on the basis of ensuring the requirements as contained in the RAAus Part 149 exposition had been fulfilled.The relevant matters identified from your report were: Incident reporting requirements. •Damage to an aircraft. ASAO Exposition requirements regarding identified and reported damage to the aircraft including inspection requirements. Evidence of other breaches.Finalisation of repair of aircraft. Partial Release - s47F | |
Documents relating to APTA | 1. Can CASA provide information and/or provide relevant documents demonstrating that the requirement to show ‘operational control’, including the requirement for contracts, was not unique to APTA? 2. Further to our discussion on 19 October 2022, and if not addressed above, can CASA briefly explain the basis for its requests for contracts from APTA as the means to satisfy ‘operational control’, when this is not a specific requirement of the relevant legislation or regulation? 3. I acknowledge that CASA met with the applicant and provided advice and instructions to him about the requirements of contracts to show operational control. Can CASA provide a brief explanation, or provide relevant documents, as to why it did not believe the contracts provided by the applicant, or the amendments he made during his engagement with CASA, provided CASA with the assurance it needed regarding the APTA model. 4. Can CASA provide information regarding the arrangement between Bairnsdale Air Charter and LVAC as a means to identify how that arrangement was similar or different to what was proposed by LVAC joining APTA? Partial Release - ss 47F & 47G | |
Post event documents for the 2024 Piper Profiency Program held in Bendigo on 24-25 February 2024 | CASA has provided funding to the 'Australian Piper Aircraft Society' for its 2024 Piper Proficiency Program (PPP) held at Bendigo, Victoria over the weekend of 24th/25th February 2024. I am requesting access to all feedback, reports and any complaints provided to CASA, post this event, relating to this PPP event Partial Release - s47F | |
Operations in NSW National Parks and Wildlife Services | I would like to request the earliest record CASA has for any operations of the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NSW) e.g. the first AOC that CASA has on record. Full Release | |
Documents relating to the Robo-Debt Scheme | Part 1: Any emails or other communications (meeting invitations, speeches,videos, transcripts, memorandums, revised chief executive instructions or equivalent) directed at all staff about either the Royal Commission on the Robo-debt Scheme, or the govt response to Royal Commission. Any emails ot other communications (eg. meeting invitations/speeches/videos/transcripts/memorandums/revised chief executive instructions or equivalent) directed at all SES (or equivalent staff) about the Royal Commission on the Robo-debt Scheme, or the govt response to the Royal Commission. Any brief prepared for Senate Estimates in October 2023 relating to how the agency was responding to the Royal Commission or the government response to the Royal Commission. Part 2: Any brief prepared for Senate estimates in October 2023 relating to how the agency was responding to the Royal Commission or the govt response to the RC. Any brief, agenda paper, submission (or similar) to the agency's executive leadership group (or however named in your agency) about how the agency was responding to the Royal Commission or implementing the govt response to the Royal Commissions. Any document relating to changing training modules.induction (or similar) (whether internally or externally delivered), to incorporate information about the Royal Commission or the government response to the Royal Commission. Partial Release - s22 | |
CASA documentation and internal policies regarding applicants whom have had a Stroke due to a Patent Foramen Ovale (PFO). | CASA documentation and internal policies regarding the assessment and risk assessment of medical certificate applicants whom have had a Stroke due to a Patent Foramen Ovale (PFO). - Documents or internal policy containing how a cardiovascular risk assessment is made in these cases, - Documents or internal communication on what specialist reports or imaging are required or have been required for previous applicants for CASA to be satisfied in their risk assessment, - Any medical literature or meta analysis CASA use in making risk assessment on these cases. Full Release - s22 | |
Pearl Coast Heli Maintenance accident on 4 July 2020 | The investigation documents, statements, and related information in relation to the Pearl Coast Heli Maintenance Pty Ltd in respect of the investigation into the accident on 4 July 2020. Clarification - I would like to request the CASA (not ATSB) report pertaining to the investigation, findings and conclusions regarding the accident that took place on July 4th 2020 in Broome, WA. Partial Release - s47F | |
CASA documentation regarding accident that took place on 4 July 2020 in Broome, WA | The CASA report pertaining to the investigation, findings and conclusions regarding the accident that took place on 4 July 2020 in Broome, WA. Exemption(s) applied: s47F | |
CASA advice to the Department of Infrastructure regarding Moorabbin Airport. | Copies of each piece of advice stated by Pip Spence on 29 May 2024 in Senate Estimates to have been provided to the Department of Infrastructure in February 2021, March 2022, and April 2023 regarding three draft master plan variations for Moorabbin Airport. Exemption(s) applied: s22 | |
Approval process for the 2017 12/30 flight paths at Hobart Airport designed by Airservices Australia | Approval process for the 2017 12/30 flight paths at Hobart Airport, designed by Airservices Australia. Specifically: 1. Correspondence between CASA and Airservices Australia regarding the approval of these flight paths. 2. Documentation on CASA's stance or actions related to the mentioned legal action (2018 legal action by Advanced Electro Dynamics Pty Ltd and Fulham Pty Ltd against Airservices Australia). Exemption(s) applied: s22, s47F | |
Communication regarding the recruitment process conducted for the Team Leader, Aviation Medicine role (VN-0736424) | All internal communication between the panel members for recruitment process conducted for the Team Leader, Aviation Medicine role (VN-0736424). Exemption(s) applied: s22, s47F | |
Documentation relating to UAV/RPA | a) UAV/RPA investigation outcome summary reports (no personal or geographic data) b) UAV/RPA CASA correspondence internal and external used to determine weight categories safe operating distances and acceptable energy impact levels for RPA drones and how that drones the basic rules c) Industry communication and input/studies that guided the soon to be released Over and Near People change CASA is implementing now. Exemption(s) applied: s22, s47F | |
Documentation regarding timeframes for Class 4 medical certificate regulations | Documents which contain actual or proposed timeframes for the delivery of Class 4 medical certificate regulations. Exemption(s) applied: Full release | |
Documents identifying the key milestones associated with the Class 5 medical certificate exemption instrument | Any documents which identify the 'key milestones associated with the Class 5 medical certificate exemption instrument' to be completed before the timeframes for the Class 4 medical certificate. Exemption(s) applied: Full release | |
Documentation regarding content of Class 4 medical certificate regulations | Documents containing proposals for the content of regulations pertaining to Class 4 medical certificate. Exemption(s) applied: Full release | |
Risk assessments for Medications Hazardous in Aviation | The Risk Assessments carried out for the CASA list of Medications Hazardous in Aviation. Exemption(s) applied: s22 | |
Documentation relating to medical testing involving drugs or new medications | Advice or restrictions licensed aircrew are subject to should they wish to participate in medical testing that may involve the evaluation of drugs or new types of medications. Exemption(s) applied: Full release | |
CASA Competency Standards | Latest versions of: CASA032A - Assess applications for a standard Certificate of Airworthiness, CASA087A - Assess applications for a special Certificate of Airworthiness; Exemption(s) applied: Full release | |
Operational Safety Audits conducted on Coulson Aviation | Copies of all operational safety audits conducted on Coulson Aviation Australia in the last 8 years. Exemption(s) applied: s22 | |
Reports and related documents regarding VH-NBY | Investigations, reports, submissions and information provided to the WA Coroner in relation to VH-NBY in Broome on 4 July 2020. Exemption(s) applied: s47F, s46, s47B | |
CASA Standards Development Procedures Manual | Current version of the CASA Standards Development Procedures Manual. Exemption(s) applied: Full release | |
Reports and data on CASA | Reports relevant to CASA's restricting of technical staff since 2010; 2021 CASA APS Employee Census Results; 2023 CASA APS Employee Census Results; Psycho-social safety climate survey conducted by University of South Australia in 2019 for CASA; The Internal Audit Report EAP - Enterprise Aviation Processing; and the most recent interim ICAO report on CASA. Exemption(s) applied: Full release | |
Investigations or reports by the Industry Complaints Commissioner | A copy of any investigations or reports by the Industry Complaints Commissioner that relate to, or include reference to, Human External Cargo (HEC) operations, crocodile egg collecting, CASA.CARRY instruments, Helibrook, Matt Wright, Michael (Mick) Burns, Michael Bridge, Chris Wilson or VH-IDW. Exemption(s) applied: s47F, s47G | |
Capital Jet Recourses documentation | Confirmation and documentation of the CASA designation and dates of employment and resignation for office holders and employees for Capital Jet Recourses ARN 81157. Exemption(s) applied: Ss 47F, 47G | |
Dederang NDB-DME and VAR sites surveyed in 1959 | Dederang NDB-DME and VAR sites surveyed in September and December 1959. Exemption(s) applied: S47F | |
Contingency procedure correspondence regarding airspace volumes | Correspondence between CASA and other agencies in relation to contingency procedures applying to 'CORAL', 'FLINDERS', 'LORD HOWE' and 'TASMAN' airspace volumes in the Brisbane FIR from 12 311230 to 12 311945 (UTC). Exemption(s) applied: S47F | |
Response to ATSB draft Transport Safety Report regarding AO-2022-009 | A copy of CASA’s submission to the Australian Transport Safety Bureau in response to its draft Transport Safety Report about Aviation Occurrence Investigation AO-2022-009. Exemption(s) applied: S38 | |
Coulson Aviation (Australia) Pty Ltd certificates and surveillance reports | Current Air Operators Certificate and Foreign Air Transport Air Operators Certificate for Coulson Aviation (Australia) Pty Ltd and surveillance reports concerning Coulson Aviation (Australia) Pty Ltd. Exemption(s) applied: s22, s47F, s47G | |
Board member correspondence regarding human external cargo and crocodile egg collecting operations | All correspondence between past and present board members related to human external cargo operations (HEC) and/or crocodile egg collecting. Exemption(s) applied: s22, s47F, s47 | |
Edwin Markus Kraft certificate of airworthiness and latest maintenance release details | The certificate of airworthiness and latest maintenance release details for Edwin Markus Kraft ARN. Exemption(s) applied: Full release | |
Colour vision deficiency assessment documentation | CASA documentation regarding the assessment of medical certificate applicants with colour vision deficiency, CASA documentation regarding 'grandfathering' or continuation of existing restrictions of condition upon medical certificate renewal or reissue and the change logs of these documents. Exemption(s) applied: Full release | |
Internal Review of decision made on 17 November 2023 | Internal Review of decision made on 17 November 2023. Exemption(s) applied: s22, s47F, s47E |