Examiner rating proficiency check

An Examiner Rating Proficiency Check (EPC) ensures flight examiners maintain the competencies required of their flight examiner rating.

Getting a proficiency check

As a flight examiner, your EPC will involve:

  • an assessment of your knowledge of relevant policies, procedures and examining principles
  • an assessment of how you conduct a flight test or proficiency check
  • a debriefing.

Where possible, your practical assessment will be conducted in an aircraft or simulator. If neither of these are possible, the person conducting the check may role-play a flight test or proficiency check with you.

The policy underpinning EPCs is from the ICAO Annex 1 Standard.

Applying for an EPC

To apply for an EPC, submit this online form: Application for an examiner rating proficiency check.

When we receive your application, we will use this information to begin the process. We will contact you using the details you give us in the form.

If you are using an industry assessor, you do not need to complete the form. Just arrange directly with the approved person.

Due dates for EPCs

You must pass an EPC every 2 years to hold a valid flight examiner rating. You can complete an EPC up to 3 months before it is due.

Further details about due dates and timings are in regulation 61.1285 of the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations (CASR).

Apply to conduct EPCs

Experienced flight examiners can now apply for authorisation to conduct EPCs.

To be approved, you will be required to complete a training program through us that will be available later in 2022.

Until then, experienced flight examiners can apply now if you have:

  • a Flight Examiner Rating and meet Part 61 (or exemption) requirements to exercise its privileges
  • a Flight Instructor Rating flight test endorsement
  • completed 1 EPC (as applicant)
  • conducted 12 helicopter or 24 aeroplane flight test activities within the previous 24 months
  • a history of compliance with the Flight Examiner Handbook and other aviation regulations

Use this form to apply for authorisation to conduct EPCs:

Industry examiner proficiency checks form (PDF, 193.36 KB)

You will need to complete the training program before we can approve your renewal. The training program will have broader eligibility criteria.

Find a flight examiner who can conduct EPCs

Flight examiners approved to conduct examiner proficiency tests.
Adam Brinkworthbrinkiesatr@yahoo.com.au0411 477 615All statesAeroplane
Adam Starradam@starraviation.com.au0412 469 247Qld, NSW, other states by arrangementAeroplane
Andre Hattinghhattingh_pilot@yahoo.com0415 257 313SAAeroplane
Antony Jon Provanantony.provan@rvac.com.au0403 501 607VicAeroplane
Brett Shippbrettshipp73@gmail.com0409 122 072All statesHelicopter
Bruce Simpsonbrudon1@bigpond.com0414 266 467All statesAeroplane
Cameron Marchantcameron.marchant@flightstandards.com.au0412 292 464NT, Qld, WAAeroplane
Colin John Browncolin@cjbaviation.com.au0422 627 185Vic, NSW, SA, other states by agreementSEA/MEA Class
Dain Cairnsd.cairns@paravion.com.au03 6248 5390All statesAeroplane
Daniel Kirkpatrickdaniel@flightservices.com.au0422 594 886WAAeroplane
Darrell Seckerlyn@flyoz.com.au02 6342 1812NSWAeroplane
Darron Hurleydarronhurley@outlook.com0435 111 767All statesAeroplane
David Forsythdtforsyth@bigpond.com0417 814 556All statesAeroplane
George Rabygeorge@rabyonline.com.au0421 585 997NSWAeroplane
Graham Svensengraham.svensen@hotmail.com0406 319 426Qld and NSWHelicopter
Guy Pearsongpaviation@bigpond.com0409 350 127 VicAeroplane
Jason Duggandugganjason@hotmail.com0419 397 897All statesHelicopter
Jenny Schmidtjschmidt@royalaeroclubwa.com.au0435 090 376WAAeroplane
John Chewjohnchew1@hotmail.com0427 500 695All states - Based VicAeroplane
John O'Brienjohnobr@hotmail.com0403 704 750Qld, VicAeroplane
Joshua Brownjoshbbrown@gmail.com0423 620 752All statesAeroplane
Malcolm Goodmal_good@hotmail.com0438 560 318NSWAeroplane
Marcus Greymarcus.grey@mafint.org0432 627 370NT, Qld, VicAeroplane
Michael Hackwoodmhackwood@gmail.com0466 443 040All statesAeroplane
Nathan Jamesnathan@smartaviation.net0404 092 833Qld, Northern NSWAeroplane
Nicholas Trimmertrimmer93@bigpond.com0403 025 496All statesHelicopter
Nigel Clarknige@bankstownflying.com.au0417 296 956All statesAeroplane
Peter Cookpetercookhelicopters@gmail.com0418 491 868All statesHelicopter
Peter Holsteinaerowasp@bigpond.net.au0418 425 512All statesHelicopter
Peter McKenziepeter@rotorlift.com.au0419 423 289All statesHelicopter
Richard James Williamsmurrrrr@gmail.com0413 345 606All statesHelicopter
Robert Harrishinchair@bigpond.com0427 157 795All statesAeroplane
Robert Marshallrob@curtisaviation.com.au0409 645 724 NSWAeroplane
Rodney Hyder.hyde@unsw.edu.au0409 736 871NSWAeroplane
Ronald Maurerronmaurer67@gmail.com0439 381 910All statesHelicopter
Scott Summersssummers@aerotech.net.au0429 942 167All statesHelicopter
Stephen Piechsteve.piech@gmail.com0413 555 018All statesHelicopter
Stephen Watsonswatson7713@gmail.com0400 822 684Qld, NSWAeroplane
Steven Rehstevereh1@gmail.com0405 318 601NSW, QldAeroplane
Theodoros Eleftheriadistheo1312@icloud.com0419 593 293All statesAeroplane
Thomas Fulton Lyndshollande.t.j@hotmail.com0449 726 692SAAeroplane
Timothy Bakerbaker72@me.com0419 645 292All statesAeroplane
Timothy Hollandtim@pilotsolutions.com.au0416 963 002Qld, NSWAeroplane
Tony Rickerstony@perthaviation.com.au0427 685 925WA, NSW, QldAeroplane
Trent Robinsontrent@trentrobinsonaviation.com.au0417 961 620All states  Aeroplane
Trevor JonesTrevordhc1@gmail.com0418 954 204WAAeroplane
Trevor Wilsontjslwilson@gmail.com0419 744 942All statesHelicopter
Wayne Clemeshawayne_clemesha@yahoo.com.au0412 427 815All statesAeroplane
Last updated:
26 Mar 2024
Online version available at: https://www.casa.gov.au//licences-and-certificates/flight-training-and-examiners/flight-examiner-ratings-and-proficiency/examiner-rating-proficiency-check
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