Can I pack that?

Are the items you're packing safe to fly?

It's your responsibility to make sure what you're packing doesn't pose a risk to you and other passengers. Our dangerous goods app will help you figure out what you can and can't pack, and how to pack items safely.

You can access the app from the locations below:

If you can't find the item you're looking for, you can ask one of our dangerous goods inspectors or you can find more information on our dangerous goods page. You can also check with your airline or airport staff.

For more information about non-dangerous goods that may be restricted for entry into Australia, please visit the Australian Border Force Can you bring it in guide as a quick reference for items such as duty-free goods, food and drink, market goods and shopping, weapons, medicine, other substances and more.

Last updated:
19 Oct 2021
Online version available at:
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