Transition timelines for flight operations regulations


Earlier this year we announced our intention of changing the deadlines and timelines to transition to the flight operations regulations. As a result, we have decided to:

  • extend the time which we will allow for the various transition phases to be completed
  • take an industry sector based approach to what requirements (deferred provisions) need to be met by operators at different times throughout the transition
  • streamline the process by how you assure us that you have met the regulatory requirements, through a self-assessment and declaration process where appropriate
  • expand our guidance material, provide more sample documents and education opportunities to assist in transitioning.
A plane is landed on the ground

This approach reflects our strong focus on prioritising safety improvements in every phase of this transition.

Part 121 (large aeroplane) air operators have until 17 December 2023 to submit their training and checking system (TCS) documentation to CASA.

By 2 December 2023:

  • some operators will also need to meet safety equipment requirements, including the fitment of a Terrain Awareness and Warning System (TAWS) and a minimum equipment list (MEL) for certain aircraft. Find out if this applies to you on our website.
  • Single pilot aeroplane (MOPSC 10-13) operations will be required to submit their exposition. Further details are available on the Single pilot aeroplane (MOPSC 10-13) webpage.

Other operators, such as rotorcraft, small air transport and aerial work, will not need to submit their training and checking systems until next year.

In 2024 we will concentrate on:

  • Part 121 (large aeroplane) training and checking system implementation (by the new deadline of 31 March 2024)
  • Parts 133, 135 and 138 (all other air transport and aerial work) training and checking system submission and implementation (deadlines to be announced later)
  • rotorcraft performance standards (deadlines to be announced later).

We will continue to provide more detail as we work through these deferred provisions.

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